Consumer Perception The influence of celebrity endorce, brand image, and consumer perception toward the decision of buying lifebuoy soap: case study in Budi Luhur University

23 Source: Savaliya 2003: 62 Figure 2.1 The Process Of Perception According to Kasali Rhenald 2008: 23, forming factors of perception are classified into four parts, namely:

a. Cultural Background

Perceptions are bound by culture culture-bound. There are no two people who have cultural Values are exactly the same, so there are no two people have the perception that his perception is exactly the same. One of the cultural element is trust. Where the trust is a subjective assumption that an object or event had a certain value or cirri, with or without evidence. The value is typically sourced from a larger philosophical which is part of the cultural environment, because that value is unstable and difficult to change. Perception of self and others perception of self and others in Eastern society, society in General is collectively. Stimuli - Penglihatan - Suara - Bau - Rasa - Tekstur Sensati Indra Penerima Pemberi arti Perhatian Interpretasi Tanggapan Persepsi 24

b. Past Experience

The experience of one of the objects, events, or relationships obtained by summing up the information and interpret the message that was received earlier.

c. Developing News

A growing news is a form of stimulus that attracted the attention of a wider audience. Through the news that developed in the community can support and formation of perception or influence on the minds of his audiences. Good or bad perception can be formed in the minds of many or most audiences saw a news story, because the thought processes could be established through information gathered audiences. Based on the above description it can be explained that the process of processing the received message cannot be established simply by the message recipient, but rather influenced by internal and external factors of the individual.

d. The Functions of Perception

Based on information and theories on the conclusions above, it can be seen from the perception among other functions, namely: 1 Responding to objects that are informed 2 Select the received objects 3 Organizing the information input 25

5. Purchase Decisions

Understanding of purchase decisions, according to Kotler and Armstrong in Setiawati 2006: 25 is a stage in the decision-making process of buyers which consumers actually buy. Decision making is an activity of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using the goods on offer. source : Kotler and Amstrong 2008:94 Figure 2.2 Factors that Affect the behavior of Consumers 1. Culture 1 Culture, is the most basic cause of desire and purchase behavior. A culture is a set of basic values, perception, desires, and behaviors that are studied by a member of the society from family and other important institutions. 2 The sub culture, form an important market, and marketers are often designed the product and marketing program tailored to their needs, subculture including nationality, religion, race, and geography of the region. 26 3 Social class, it is a relatively permanent communities defision and regularly with its members adhere to the values, interests, and behavior are similar

2. Social

1 The group, consisting of two kinds: first, the group membership of a grouping that has direct influence. Having regular interactions but informally like family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Second, the reference group that serves as a point of comparison or reference directly or indirectly, in shaping the attitude or behavior of a person. 2 Family, its most important consumer purchases in the community, such as husband, wife, and children. 3 Role and status, the role consists of the activities undertaken are expected of someone who is around him. Each role carries a status that reflects the award given by thesociety.

3. Personal

1 Age and stage of life cycle, buying is also shaped by the family life cycle stage of the Stages which may be traversed families according his maturity. Of young, middle and old age. 2 Jobs, jobs of a person also affects goods and services bought. 3 The economic situation, the economic situation influences the choice of products. The marketing of products that are sensitive to income observed trends in personal income, savings and interest rate.