Research Instruments Data and Source of Data

2. direct observation, it means inductive - categories emerge from observing, creation and exploration centered, theories emerge from data 3. in depth interviews, it means personal contact - share the experience, not trying to be objective outsider 4. analysis of documents and materials; it means lots of detail, lots of quotations To avoid bias, the researcher tries to describe the real condition as objectively as possible. He takes a position as outsider who sees the objective condition of smart solution method in teching gerund without involving himself as a member or English tentor teacher’s calling of PRIMAGAMA Pisangan-Ciputat.

B. Research Instruments

The research instruments used for this study include interview, observation sheet, and documentation of teaching-learning gerund process. The interview guidelines consist of six guided questions about smart solution method where the writer took an interview to Head of Branch Office Primagama-Pisangan Ciputat and Head Academic of Center Primagama Yogyakarta. The observation sheet is used to observe the teaching – learning gerund conducted by the English tentor in the classroom including English tentor’s activity in the classroom, the book used by English teacher and students, problems faced by English tentor in using Smart Solution Method in teaching gerund, and the evaluation used by the English tentor. Documentation is used to gain the data about teaching preparation made by the English tentor. It can be gained by borrowing teaching preparation made by the twelfth grade of English tentor and the data about English tentor’s profile by borrowing PRIMAGAMA files.

C. Data and Source of Data

There were three kinds of data that used in this study; they are 1 teaching procedure that using smart solution method, 2 the advantages of using smart solution method, and 3 whether teaching gerund by using smart solution really effective. The data about the teaching procedure were made by the English tentor of PRIMAGAMA Pisangan-Ciputat were derived from interviewing and observation to answer the first research question, the data about the advantages of using smart solution method were obtained from observation and documentation to answer the second question of the research question, the data about the effectiveness of using smart solution method in teaching gerund were derived from the observation and documentation to answer the third question of the research question. Data was obtained from either students of twelfth grade at PRIMAGAMA Pisangan-Ciputat or tentor. The writer took data from students by doing the observation in the classroom about their handbook. And the writer also took data from teacher by taking a documentation to check whether the tentor prepare the lesson plan, material, etc. before they teach and also by observation in the classroom live to the tentor about the teaching learning activities during teaching the material of gerund by using smart solution method, problems faced by English tentor when using Smart Solution Method in teaching gerund, and the evaluation test used by the English tentor. .

D. Technique of Data Collecting