Instructional Guidance Educational Guidance Personal Guidance The implementation of Remedial, Enrichment, and Consulting REC Extra Program of Smart Solution Method

tend to be very creative, and do not see the pitfalls along the way. They leave those little details to the lefts.

G. Issues of Smart Solution Method 1. Problem Solving Approach

When the necessity of student needs more varieties and the problems also become more complex, education is claimed to create strong and smart human resources either intellectually or emotionally. As a consequence, to support a SMART Solution Method, in academic year 2003-2004 PRIMAGAMA Education Tuition has been focusing a student instructional guidance and the most appropriate service is Problem Solving Approach. Here the syllabus that has been improved by the office center department academic of PRIMAGAMA Education Tuition:

1. Instructional Guidance

This is a guidance of instructional program for the student to understand either the lessons or the ways to study better.

2. Educational Guidance

This program is aimed at consulting and giving explanation about the ways, the goals, and the policies of education comprehensive. Like the further information about junior or senior high school, university, and majors election.

3. Personal Guidance

This program is to help student on their private matters 53 . These problems might be caused by student disability to adapt themselves with the aspects of personality growth, family, friendship, and circumstance. 42 Akademik PRIMAGAMA Yogyakarta, Articles:What is Problem Solving?’ published in 2004

2. The implementation of Remedial, Enrichment, and Consulting REC

As the follow up from the Problem Solving approach, in the same academic year 2003-2004, PRIMAGAMA Education Tuition has developed a concept of teaching that is R.E.C. Remedial, Enrichment, Consulting. 1. Remedial PRIMAGAMA gives the material to repeat, to add, and also to complete all subjects in the school. 2. Enrichment PRIMAGAMA gives the material as a review through the exercises of daily examination, term examination, mid-test, final test UAS, National Test UN, SPMB Test, and also distributes the ‘Try Out’ of final and national test periodically. 3. Consulting The consultation could be related to lesson’s problems, description of higher education grade, problems of major election, even the problem either private or physichological 54 .

3. Extra Program of Smart Solution Method

SMART Solution is a method of learning balancing both left brain and right brain 55 . To support of Smart solution method itself, PRIMAGAMA Education Tuition has an extra program that is Life Skill Education. Life skill education as an extra program has the role especially to guide the student on improving their as an additional program for students to supply their knowledge, skill, and as a character building. Life Skill Education as an extra program is the combination of skills, emotional quotient, self-independent and leadership, teamwork. Here are the programs of Life Skill Education: 40 Akademik PRIMAGAMA Yogyakarta, Articles: Konsep Pengajaran …..,2004. 41 Akademik PRIMAGAMA Yogyakarta, Articles:’Life Skill Education’ published in 2004

1. Achievement Motivation Training