Identification of the Problems Problem Restriction Problem Formulation

solutions, testing the hypothesis by proving of the human senses, and concluded in written form. By using this approach, students will be more active to access the information, in order to follow the learning process. The students assessed from many aspects, not only from test scores, but also of practices and attitudes. Using Scientific Approach, students will build critical thinking and logical, and would not think random. According to the analysis already mentioned, the research can be formulated with the title Implementation of Scientific approach with Project Based Learning to improving the lives and Career Skills in Students ’ of SMK N 1 Wonosobo Academic Year 20142015 from.

B. Identification of the Problems

As mentioned in rationale, the problem can be formulated as below: 1. The education needs improvement to build students’ intention in learning. 2. In the class, the teachers are still using teacher-centered method. 3. Life and career skills students in the learning process less than expectations. 4. Teachers have not used Scientific Approach in learning process. 5. Learning process do not reach students’ daily life.

C. Problem Restriction

Having identified the problem, researcher needs to make a limitation in order to be focus on digging and solving the problems that appear. There are some problems which appear from the teachers or students. This research focuses on external factor which might influence the learning process, which is the concept of learning in the basic competence, bill transaction analysis. Scientific Approach will be one solution to develop the students’ potency which is needed to be developed. Scientific Approach has learning focus on students’ activities and interaction which will help students mastering the material to get optimum result. In order to make the students easily understood the material, Scientific Approach is packed in sequence: 1 observing, 2 questioning, 3 associating, 4 experimenting, and 5 networking. Kemendikbud 2013: 9- 11 This research limits the problem in life and career skills improvement of students through the implementation of Scientific Approach with Project Based Learning in basic competence document transaction analysis year 20142015.

D. Problem Formulation

According to a statement on problem limitation, research problems can be formulated as whether the Implementation of the Scientific Approach with Project Based Learning to improving the Lives and Careers of students in grade 10 Accounting capabilities 1 SMK N 1 Wonosobo the Academic Year 20142015?

E. Objectives Research