B. Relevan Research

There are some previous researches which are relevant with this research, these are: 1. Research which is implemented by Dinsi Marlenawati 2014 entitled “Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Meningkatkan Aktifitas dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 113 Bengkulu Selatan”. This research is aimed to improve learning activity using scientific approach in class V of SD Negeri 113 Bengkulu Selatan. The result of this research is that implementation of scientific learning model can improve mathematic learning activity in that class in 20132014 school year proven by the increasing of mean score of students’ activity up to 24,60 from the previous implementation of scientific learning model which is 32,74 and then increase to 57,34 in the first cycle. After that, from the first cycle to second cycle, the increasing also happens for about 36,49 or is obtained the mean score of students’ activity in the second cycle up to 93,83. This case also shows that mean score of students’ activity in second cycle has reached the target of success indicator. Success indicator of accounting learning activity is 80. This research is similar to research on implementation of scientific model. 2. The research which was conducted by Khuznaini Azizah 2014 entitled “Pendekatan Scientific Bermuatan Karakter Siap Siaga untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Kelas IIIA SDN 5 Pesisir Tengah Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun Pelajaran 2013 2014”, conclude that the results of classroom action research implemented in that class on thematic learning related to taking care of environment are 1 scientific approach implementation which has ready and alert character basis can improve student’s mitigation skill. In the first cycle, mean score of mitigation skill is 62,84 categorized as fair. The second cycle is 71,51 categorized as good. The third cycle is 81,29 categorized as very good. And 2 the implementation of scientific approach which has that basis can increase student’s social attitude. From the first cycle mean score of social attitude is 71,26 categorized as good. Second cycle is 79,30 categorized as good, and third cycle is 86,05 categorized as very good.

C. Research Framework