Research Method 08 Physics Education Papers

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Physics Education Page 284 Suprijono 2010: 54 argues that cooperative learning is a broader concept that includes all types of work including forms group led by a teacher or directed by the teacher . Cooperative learning arranged in an attempt to increase student participation, facilitating students to experience leadership attitudes and make decisions in groups, as well as provide the opportunity for students to interact and learn together students of diverse backgrounds. So in the dual role of cooperative learning students that as a student or as a teacher. Through working collaboratively to achieve a common goal, the students will develop skills related to human beings that will be very useful for life outside of school Trianto, 2007. Finally, in the case of classroom innovations, the question rises whether the effecs of the content of the innovations i.e, differences in teaching methods are being meansured or unintended ‘side’-effects e.q. the learning process of teachers, whoneed to adapt to different circumstances, therefore, replicating this research is advisable in order to corfirm the results. Despite these limitations, the present paper show the added value of gradually implementing case based learning in terms of students’ approaches to learning, nevertheless, it remains difficult to enhance the deep approach, monitoring studying, organized studying end effort management. Bacten, M., Struyven, K., and Dochy, F. 2013 Conventional methods of learning history is marked by lectures, accompanied by an explanation, as well as the division of tasks and exercises. Specifies that the conventional approach is marked by the teacher to teach more about the concepts taught not competence, the goal is that students know something is not able to do anything, and by the time the student learning process more listening Ghufron Dimyati 2012, October 21. Motivation encourages the emergence and influence behavior and change behavior. So the motivation functions include: a. Encourage behavior or an act. Without motivation there would arise an act such as learning, b. Motivation serves as a director. This means that direct the actions kepencapaian desired goals, c. Serves as the driving motivation. He serves as the engine for the car. Motivation will determine the size of the fast or slow a job. Hamalik, 2011: 161. Success in the interaction with the learning environment, the control objectives of educational programs provide a sense of satisfaction and is therefore a constant source of motivation for students, so that he could learn himself throughout his life, which can be considered as one of the most important educational outcomes Nasution 2010: 182 -183. Belajar adalah proses yang aktif, belajar adalah proses mereaksi terhadap semua situasi yang ada disekitar individu. Learning is an active, learning is goal directed process, a process done through a variety of experiences, learning is process, of seeing, observing and understanding. Sudjana, N. 2005: 6. Motivation in learning is done by setting or situation conducive learning atmosphere. The condition can be a reinforcement reinforcement, because it is important for students learning motivation is intended to: 1 m enyadarkan notch early learning, learning process and outcomes, 2, inform about the power of business to learn when compared with peers , 3, directs the activities of the collar of a higher quality of learning, 4 raising learning motivation for students, and 5 awareness about the journey that must be taken in the learning process and so on. Sagala, 2009: 113

2. Research Method

This study used an experimental method. This study puts the learning achievement Basic Physics I with a numerical scale as the dependent variable the criterion variable, learning model treatment variable as independent variables first, the motivation to learn with a numerical scale storey grouped into high and low categories as the independent variable attributes variables both are free. The target population of this study were all college Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Physics Education Page 285 students participating in Basic Physics I at the Department of Physics, State UNIMA. The research sample is treated students of Physical Education level I. The research sample of 60 people with the distribution of each study group of 30 people. Sampling is done by multi- stage sampling, a total of three 3 stage stage, namely: 1 the first stage, the selection of study groups conducted purposive technique aims; 2 the second stage, the selection of study groups classes of the study group were selected as the sample was done by using random; and 3 the third stage, sampling of students for each group is done by simple random. The experiment was conducted at the beginning of odd semester 2014 academic year August to early October. The method used in this research is to design experimental research method of treatment by the level of 2x2. The variables in this study are: 1. The independent variable A is a model of learning in which the class is made up of two cooperative learning model SMT and conventional learning. 2. The independent variable B is the motivation to learn the students that consists of two levels of the learning motivation high and low learning motivation. 3.Variable bound Y is the result of learning Basic Physics I. The design of the study are described in Table 1. Table 1. Design of treatment by level 2x2 Learning Motivation B Learning Models A 1 Models TPS A 2 Models STAD High B 1 A 1 B 1 A 2 B 1 Low B 2 A 1 B 2 A 2 B 2 Of the two classes are separated into student motivation to learn by each class. The first group, who either have a high motivation to learn in the classes taught by cooperative learning model TPS A 1 B 1 . The second group of students who have a high motivation to learn in classes taught by conventional learning models A 2 B 1 . The third group was the group of students who have low motivation to learn in classes taught by cooperative learning model TPS A 1 B 2 . The fourth group which is a group of students who have low motivation to learn in classes taught by conventional learning models A 2 B 2 Data Collection Techniques This study used research instruments such as questionnaires and tests. For motivation to learn using questionnaires and learning to use the test results. To test the invalidity of an instrument then testing the validity and reliability of the instrument. Test validity: Testing the validity of the research using the calculation of the correlation coefficient between scores tested vailditasnya test results with the results of standardized tests that are owned by the same person using the product moment correlation formula using rough numbers correlation Pearson product moment because the score of items 1-5 test continuum. The number of 35 students with student motivation to learn the instrument as much as 47 point statement. After r hitung each item compared with Pearson r table for n = 35 and α = 0:05 0325, the obtained 31-point declaration is valid and the 16-point declaration is invalid. Test reliability: Testing the reliability of the instrument using the formula Crombah Alpha, said the high level of reliability of the instrument if the value obtained r hitung 0.60 Djaali and Muldjono, 2008: 89. Retrieved r hitung value = 0.8675 0.60 ratio indicates high reliability of the instrument or both. Data Analysis Techniques Normality Test: Test is used Lilliefors test. Terms hypothesis rejected if Ltabel L0 exceeds the significance level chosen. Testing normality of each group of samples, testing the hypothesis of normality. The null hypothesis is that the samples come Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Physics Education Page 286 from populations with normal distribution and a rival hypothesis that the distribution is not normal. Homogeneity Test: Test of homogeneity in the study conducted by Bartlet test. Using the testing criteria as follows: If x hitung x table the variant data is homogeneous, if x hitung x table the variant data is not homogeneous. This analysis aims to examine whether the assumptions for ANOVA applies, if all variants have the same variance. Hypothesis test is the variance of the four sample groups did not differ from each other. II. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Result