Discussion Learning Device Implementation in Classroom C, Department of Physics Education

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Physics Education Page 368 Student Learning Outcomes

The percentage of students who reach KKM completed reached 93.33 and which did not reach KKM not complete 6.67.

3.2. Discussion

Based on the research and analysis of the data showed that the use of models of research- based learning can improve student learning outcomes of class A, B, and C, Department of Physics Education, Gorontalo State University. This can be seen from the analysis of student results conducted for 2 cycles of learning, where students’ learning outcomes on the second cycle increased rather than in cycle 1. Therefore, it is proven that the models of research based learning, especially in material of Behaviorism Learning Theory and Learning Theory of Constructivism. This is because it is supported by student learning motivation. Motivation to learn the students during the research-based learning falls into both categories. In addition, based on the observation of activities of lecturers and students from the first meeting until the meeting II has increased from meeting to the next meeting. Based on this, it can be concluded that the models of research based learning can enhance the activity of lecturers and students. The higher activity of students in the higher learning student results. This shows that research-based learning can help students in the learning process of students, so that students’ ability can be trained. By applying the concept of research-based learning obtained by students will stick in his mind a long time since the acquisition of knowledge of students based on a case which aims to preserve the memory of students. This is in line with that proposed by Diah 2010: 7 that the benefits of research-based learning model that learners experience the development and improvement of capabilities and competencies higher, including for example the general competence to think critically and analytically, evaluating and troubleshooting information. The condition has a positive impact on student learning outcomes as shown by the average scores of students after being treated by applying research-based learning. References Abdjul, T. 2010. Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Melalui Metode Penemuan Terbimbing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa. [Effect of Application of Cooperative Learning Model STAD through Invention Methods against Guided Students Learning Outcomes]. Independent research. [Bahasa Indonesia] Ntobuo, N. Yusuf, M. 2012. Pengembangan model-model pembelajaran sains melalui pendekatan PAKEM di SDMI se Kecamatan Suwawa Selatan. [Development of models of science learning through PAKEM approach in SDMI se District of South Suwawa]. Competitive Research Grant. Ntobuo, N. 2010. Pengembangan Structure Exersice Method dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Di SDN 80 Kota Tengah Kota Gorontalo. [Structure exersice Methode Development in Improving Student Results In SDN 80 Central City City of Gorontalo]. 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[ Integrated Learning Model Concept, Strategy, and Implementation in SBC] . Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Widyawati, et al. 2010. Pedoman Umum Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset PUPBR . [ General Guidelines Based Learning Research PUPBR] . Gadjah Mada University. Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Physics Education Page 370 THE RELATION OF STUDENTS LEARNING INTEREST AND MATHEMATICS LOGIC INTELLIGENCE TOWORD STUDENTS LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF PHYSICS EDUCATION Masri Kudrat Umar 1 , Supartin 1 , Indrawati Moomin 1 1 Depatemen of Physics, Faculty of Matematics and Natural Science, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia masrikudratyahoo.com Abstract The Relation of students Learning Interest and Mathematics Logic Intelligence toword Students Learning Achievement of Physics Education, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Gorontalo. The research aimed at investigating the relation of students’ learning achievement and mathematics logic intelligence toward students’ learning achievement of Physics subject at SMA Muhammadiyah Batudaa. The research applied quantitative method ussing statistic analysis through regression and correlation tests. From the result of the measurement, it gained the regression eguation as Ŷ = , 0 + 0, X + 0, X which meant that each increase as one unit of the score of students’ learning interest and mathematics logic intelligence, it would be followed by the increaseof the score of Physics learning achievement as 0,425 and 0,476 at the constanta of 64,203. The hypothesis test showed that the correlation coefficient resulted r= 0,6417 and determination coefficient resulted r 2 =0,41185 or 41,19. Thus, the test of the significance of correlation coefficient gained thet the of t count was higher than the value of t table , or it can be stated as follows: 9,451.7 at level of significance as 0,05. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a relation of students’ learning achievement and mathematics logic intelligence toward students’ learning achievement of Physics subject at SMA. Therefore, the teacher should be creative to improve students’ learning interest in order the Physics learning goals can be achieved. Keywords: learning interest, mathematics l ogic intelligence, and students’ learning achievement of physics

1. Introduction

That the results of physics students learn in high school still tend to need to be increased. Efforts to improve student learning outcomes could be done through various ways of them through increased competence inidivisual sisiwa and increased variety of sourced from students outside the self. The low learning outcomes of physics are derived from students in self own namely about factors in readiness students receive lessons and low capacity to think in understanding the concept of physics. Features the subject matter of physics that tend to use the language of mathematics, really needs logical mathematical ability. Besides ability logical, allegedly faaktir another that can meningkatkaan learning outcomes of physics are mkinat student learning. The interest of learning and logical the results of the ability of mathematics viewed important and urgent change to find its relation According to Hilgard in Tongkonoo , 218 2014: said that interest is a tendency that is fixed to attention and memory of some activity. Activity observed someone will be noticed continuous accompanied by some of the pleasure and from this will obtain kepuasaan. A lack of interest students against subjects physics also can be caused because students sometimes prosecuted only to memorize formula and apply the use of the recipe in questions have been exercises in. T hey did not understand the concept underlying these formulas .They just curled