The Stages of Development on the Designed Materials

business in trading export import leather goods require them to be able to use English in greeting and introducing, offering help, mentioning price, bargaining, describing leather goods, apologizing, telephoning, thanking and offering. The situational syllabus was used since the language functions were applied in particular situations that were created to support the daily events in trading leather goods. Meanwhile, the Structural syllabus was used to teach language form to the students.

4. Specifying the Learning Objectives Kemp

The next step is specifying the learning objectives. The writer used the term Specific Instructional Objectives SIO instead of learning objective. Each topic consists of SIO that hopefully can be obtained after each topic is conducted. The following is the table of Specific Learning Objectives. UNIT Specific Instructional Objectives At end of the class, the students are able to: 1 a select appropriate expressions to greet their foreign customers b use greeting expressions to greet their foreign customers c select appropriate expressions to introduce themselves and someone else to their foreign customers d use introducing expressions to introduce and someone else to their foreign customers 2 a identify some expressions used to offer help b use appropriate helping expressions to offer help to their foreign customers 3 a use mentioning price expressions 7 a apply some useful expressions used in telephoning b write message in English 8 a use expressions in thanking and well wishing appropriately b apply expressions of thanking and well wishing with their foreign customers Table 11: Specific Instructional Objectives

5. Designing the Materials

At this stage, the writer designed the learning materials for the personnel of Kaban Group Shop. The materials consist of eight topics, namely Greeting and Introducing, Offering Help, Mentioning Price, Bargaining, Describing Leather Goods, Apologizing, Telephoning and Thanking and Well Wishing. Each topic consists of four sections, namely Input, Content Focus, Language Focus and Communicative Activities.

6. Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities Kemp

At this stage, the writer selected the most suitable activities that support the goal, General Instructional Objectives and Specific b write price in English correctly 4 a use bargaining expressions appropriately b apply bargaining expressions when bargaining with their foreign customers 5 a describe leather goods they sold in their shop b apply expressions in describing leather goods correctly c categorize their leather good in English correctly 6 a express their apology to their foreign costumers b choose appropriate expressions to apologize to their foreign customers Instructional Objectives. The writer selected fun activities in order to ease the learning process. They need to have fun atmosphere which will not give too much pressure on them. In this study, the activities are various, such as conversation, games, role play, simulation, etc.

7. Evaluating the Designed MaterialsKemp

At this stage, the writer distributed four questionnaires to one English lecturer from English Language Education Study Program of Santa Dharma University and to three English instructors. The participants are asked to give their comments and opinions on the designed materials. The purpose of this stage is to get some feedback as a basis to improve the materials.

8. Revising the Designed Materials Kemp

The last stage is revising the designed materials. The evaluation from the four participants is used to revise the materials. The result of the survey study on the designed materials shows that points of agreement were between 3.3 – 4.3 which means that the designed materials were good and acceptable. However, there was a need to conduct more exploration on the existing part of the design based on the participants’ comments and suggestions. In order to create better version on designed materials, the writer made revise the materials. a Eliminating Language Expression and Word List in the lesson plans to create the standard lesson plans. b Adding some language exercises after Language Focus to facilitate the students with more learning on language expressions and vocabulary. c Checking grammatical mistakes.

C. The Presentation of the Instructional Materials Design

In this section, the writer will present the final version of the designed materials as the answer of question number two in the Problem Formulation. The materials are divided into eight units and topics. Every unit consists of four sections, namely Input, Content Focus, Language Focus and Communicative Tasks. The following are the explanations of them.

1. Input

This section is the lead in to the lesson. It consists of a picture, some questions, and two daily-like-situation dialogues complete with language expressions related to the topic that will be discussed. Students are encouraged to use their previous knowledge to answer the questions.

2. Content Focus

This section provides students with materials that are closely related to the topic discussed. Content focus consists of two parts, namely language expressions and word list. However some units consist of three parts, for example, unit 1 and unit 5. Time Zone part is added to unit 1 in order to clarify time zone differentiation between Indonesia and Western countries. Meanwhile, Name of the Goods is added to unit 5 in order to let students familiarize with the English names of goods that are sold in Kaban Group Shop.

3. Language Focus

This section presents grammar lessons that support each topic that is discussed. Students are given a chance to remember strategy to form good sentences. However, grammar is merely an additional lesson since grammar mastery is not the goal of this program.

4. Communicative Tasks

This section consists of some communicative activities that can be used by students to practice their knowledge of the topics discussed. The communicative activities provided in this section are various, such as, role play, games, simulation, and others. The following is the table of the Designed Materials for the Personnel of Kaban Group Shop. UNIT TOPIC 1 Greeting and Introducing 2 Offering Help 3 Mentioning Price 4 Bargaining 5 Describing Leather Goods 6 Apologizing 7 Telephoning 8 Thanking and Well Wishing Table 12: The Presentation of the Instructional Materials Design PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64


This chapter consists of two sections, named Conclusions and Suggestions. The conclusions deal with the conclusion of the study. Meanwhile, the suggestions deal with the suggestions for English teachers or instructors, also for further researchers who are eager to improve and conduct similar study.

A. Conclusions

This study is conducted to design communicative English speaking materials for the personnel of Kaban Group Shop. There are two problems related to the use of English in that shop. The first is the process to design a set of communicative English speaking materials for the personnel of Kaban Group Shop. The second problem is the presentation of the communicative English speaking materials design. The writer combined the instructional design models by Kemp and Yalden to answer the first problem. First, the writer also conducted needs analysis by distributing 30 questionnaires related to the personnel of Kaban Group Shop, who consists of the shopkeepers and the shop assistants. The data obtained from that needs analysis is computed as the basis to design the materials. After the materials is completely designed, the writer conducted the survey study by distributing 4 questionnaires to one lecture from English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and to three English instructors in order to get feedback for the improvement of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI designed materials. Generally, the designed materials are good and acceptable since the mean betweens 3.3 – 4.3. However, there are some changes that needed to improve the quality of the materials. Then, the writer creates the last version of the designed materials. The combinations of instructional design models are: 1. Conducting needs Analysis Yalden 2. Considering Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Kemp 3. Selecting the Syllabus Types Yalden 4. Specifying the Learning Objectives Kemp 5. Designing the Materials 6. Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities Kemp 7. Evaluating the Designed Materials Kemp

8. Revising the Designed Materials Kemp

To answer the second problem, the writer provided the presentation of the designed materials. They are as follow: 1. Greeting and Introducing 2. Offering Help 3. Mentioning Price 4. Bargaining 5. Describing Leather Goods 6. Apologizing 7. Telephoning 8. Thanking and Well Wishing