Communicative Language Teaching CLT a. The Definition of CLT

c. The Communicative Task

CLT contains a set of communicative task. Nunan defines the communicative task as classroom work which focuses on meaning rather than form Nunan, 1988: 18. Learners first need to understand the structural pattern of English as the target language, then to be able to perform English in a communicative way using the appropriate structural pattern. The goal of the course is to make the learners to be able to use English communicatively, not to comprehend English structural pattern. A task minimally consists of input, related activities, goals, roles of teachers, and learners, and a setting. “Input refers to the data that learners work on.” Meanwhile, “activity refers to the work that the learners will do on the task.” It demands the learners to practice the target language. They are set out in the figure A Framework for Analyzing Communicative Task as can be seen on page 25. Goals Teacher role Input TASK Learner role Activities Setting Figure 3: A Framework for Analyzing Communicative Task Nunan, 1988: 18 Related to the communicative task, in this study, the learners are given communicative tasks that can be used to support the goal of the course, which is to make the learners communicatively competent using English with their foreign customers.

d. The Curriculum Development and Leaning Task

Curriculum is sometimes misinterpreted as syllabus. However, these two terms are different. Syllabus refers to “the selecting and grading of content” Nunan, 1988: 21. Meanwhile, curriculum refers to “all aspects of planning, implementing, evaluating, and managing an educational program” Nunan, 1988: 21. Richards, Platt, and Weber as quoted by Nunan define curriculum as: Curriculum as an educational program which sets out: a the educational purpose of the program the ends b the content, teaching procedures and learning experiences which will be necessary to achieve this purpose the means c some means for assessing whether or not the educational ends have been achieved Nunan, 1988: 21 In communicative curriculum, means and ends are related to each other. The “content and learning experiences including communicative task are developed in tandem and in which tasks can suggest content and vice versa.” Nunan describes the relationship in the figure An Integrated Approach to Curriculum Development 1988: 22. --- Content Goals --- Evaluation ---- Tasks Figure 4: An Integrated Approach to Curriculum Development Nunan, 1988: 22 The course for the personnel of Kaban Group Shop will also be conducted by using communicative tasks and will be taught