The Categorization of ESP

OBJECTIVE i.e. as perceived by course design SUBJECTIVE i.e. as perceived by learners NECESSTIES The English needed for success in Aglicultural or Veterinary Studies To reluctantly cope with a ‘second-best’ situation LACKS Presumably areas of English needed for Aglicultural or Veterinary Studies Means of doing Medical Studies WANTS To succeed in Aglicultural or Veterinary Studies To undertake Medical Studies Table 1: Necessities, lacks and wants Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 58 There are a number of ways to gather information about needs. Robinson 1991: 12-15 mentions the use of: a Questionnaires Richterich and Chancerel as quoted by Robinson state that the aims to use questionnaires are to find out whether the questions are comprehensible and the answers can be easily analyzed and compared Robinson, 1991: 12. Meanwhile, Lonnfors as cited by Robinson states that questionnaires should be easily understood by common people. She adds that “questionnaires can be used at short notice for certain types of course and easily modified for others” Robinson, 1991: 12. Questionnaires provide information about “Target Situation Analysis TSA” and “Present Situation Analysis PSA”. It can also be easily distributed to a large number of people. However, questionnaire also has some disadvantages. Not many people will be happy to fill and return it. b Interviews Mackay as cited by Robinson uses the “structured interview” where the questionnaire is used by the interviewer to guide the interviewee Robinson, 1991: 12-13. Tarantino as cited by Robinson states that the advantage of interviews is that the interviewer can help the respondents to clarify and record their answers and explanations Robinson, 1991: 12-13. Mackay adds that the interviewer can elicit interesting information that occurs while having a planned agenda to follow. c Observation Observation is conducted to see the will-be students’ behavior and performances, for instance, in workplace. It is done to complete information in needs analysis. d Case studies Case study is “one particular type of observation, in which each individual is shadowed over a period of time.” According to Schmidt, as cited by Robinson, case study is used to identify difficult linguistic features and provide information to support needs analysis Robinson, 1991: 13. Schmidt as quoted by Robinson states some advantages of using case studies as a method in needs analysis. It is explained in the passage below. Schmidt suggests that the advantages of the case study method are that it gives the ‘possibility of an in-depth study over a period of time, the opportunity to appeal to the student’s intuitions