Aibileen Clark Physical Description of the Three Main Characters

47 1 Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging Personality Aibileen is an introverted person. According to the theory of personality by Carl G. Jung Feist and Feist, 2009, the introversion and extraversion attitudes in a person shows imbalance portion with one attitude is dominating the other one. In Aibileen’s case, the introversion attitude dominates her personality. She has opinion about people, but she keeps it for her own. She likes being alone and drown in her mind. Her introversion attitude grows stronger when she meets white people. She feels insecure and afraid of them, especially her own white lady, Elizabeth Leefolt. The conversation between Aibileen and Elizabeth Leefolt becomes the evidence of her introversion attitude p. 35: I put the iron down real slow, feel that bitter seed grow in my chest, the one planted after Treelore died. My face goes hot, my tongue twitchy. I don’t know what to say to her. All I know is, I ain’t saying it. And I know she ain’t saying what she want a say either and it’s a strange thing happening here cause nobody saying nothing and we still managing to have us a conversation. Aibileen knows that the silence between her and Elizabeth Leefolt is not pleasant for both of them, but she does not try to break that silence. She is too angry and has many thoughts in her mind but is afraid to speak them up. Aibileen also has sensing preference. She is easy to be understood and pay much attention on the details. She can also relate herself to the reality, and knows what she can contribute for her society. “I go on to the back, so mad I’m stomping. Baby Girl been in that bed since eight o’clock last night, a course she need changing Miss Leefolt try to sit in twelve hours worth a bathroom mess without getting up” p. 18. Elizabeth Leefolt tells Aibileen that Mae Mobley 48 keeps getting up. Aibileen remembers in details when the last time Mae Mobley got her diapers was changed and for how long she was in that diapers. She also knows in instance that the problem is the diaper that has not been changed. She senses the things that should be exist or not. Besides, Aibileen also has feeling preference. She always wants to know that she is pleasing her white lady because of her obedience. She wants to know what Elizabeth Leefolt is thinking about her, whether she has been a good maid or not. The small conversation between Skeeter and Aibileen becomes the evidence of Aibileen’s personality. “Should we sit?” I point to the kitchen table. Aibileen glances at the swinging door. “You go head, I’m fine standing” p. 93. Aibileen is afraid of Elizabeth Leefolt. She is extra careful in every movement she makes. She does not want Elizabeth Leefolt to see her talking to her white lady’s friend and makes Elizabeth disappointed of her. She is also sensitive about the emotional climate in her house. “A wave a static come in with me” p. 228. She can sense something bad happens from the atmosphere of Minny’s kitchen. Aibileen is also a judging person. She prefers things that are established and is apt to be on time. She is neat and put everything in order. This kind of preference can be seen through her praying habit, as follows p. 26: A cat get to screeching outside and bring me back to my cold kitchen. I turn the radio off and the light back on, fish my prayer book out my purse. My prayer book is just a blue notepad I pick up at the Ben Franklin store. I use a pencil so I can erase till I get it right. I been writing my prayers since I was in junior high. In conclusion, Aibileen has introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging personality, as well known as ISFJ. An ISFJ person carries a history that showed