Minny Jackson Physical Description of the Three Main Characters

48 keeps getting up. Aibileen remembers in details when the last time Mae Mobley got her diapers was changed and for how long she was in that diapers. She also knows in instance that the problem is the diaper that has not been changed. She senses the things that should be exist or not. Besides, Aibileen also has feeling preference. She always wants to know that she is pleasing her white lady because of her obedience. She wants to know what Elizabeth Leefolt is thinking about her, whether she has been a good maid or not. The small conversation between Skeeter and Aibileen becomes the evidence of Aibileen’s personality. “Should we sit?” I point to the kitchen table. Aibileen glances at the swinging door. “You go head, I’m fine standing” p. 93. Aibileen is afraid of Elizabeth Leefolt. She is extra careful in every movement she makes. She does not want Elizabeth Leefolt to see her talking to her white lady’s friend and makes Elizabeth disappointed of her. She is also sensitive about the emotional climate in her house. “A wave a static come in with me” p. 228. She can sense something bad happens from the atmosphere of Minny’s kitchen. Aibileen is also a judging person. She prefers things that are established and is apt to be on time. She is neat and put everything in order. This kind of preference can be seen through her praying habit, as follows p. 26: A cat get to screeching outside and bring me back to my cold kitchen. I turn the radio off and the light back on, fish my prayer book out my purse. My prayer book is just a blue notepad I pick up at the Ben Franklin store. I use a pencil so I can erase till I get it right. I been writing my prayers since I was in junior high. In conclusion, Aibileen has introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging personality, as well known as ISFJ. An ISFJ person carries a history that showed 49 in the continuity with past event and relationship Keirsey and Bates, 1978: 194. An ISFJ like Aibileen is willing to work for a long hour. As an ISFJ, Aibileen relates well to people who need her, for example are sick, ignorant, and bossy people. Aibileen also often relates well to people who need her, for example nursing Mae Mobley and listening to Minny’s problems. 2 Mature Aibileen is not only mature at her physical appearance, but also mature at her emotional stage. She is very wise and she knows how to treat people well. She knows how to be a good listener and how to express her opinion and advices. When Minny does not want to talk about ‘the terrible awful pie’, Aibileen does not force her to tell the details at the first place. It also happens when Minny gets a little trouble with a friend who goes to the same church with them. She waits until Minny is ready to talk about those problems p. 255. Aibileen can see everything from many different sides. She understands people and she always tries to put herself on other people’s shoes. When Minny gets a problem with Miss Celia, Aibileen tries to make Minny sees from different perspective. She tries to make Minny understand that she should not judge a person from what can be seen from the outside. “I think you done made your point, Aibileen.” Aibileen smiles, pats me on the arm. “I’m sorry, honey. But you my best friend. And I think you got something pretty good out there. So what if she take a nip or two to get through the day? Go talk to her Monday.” p. 267 When Skeeter asks her about Constantine Bates, her former maid, Aibileen tries to put herself as the third person in the middle. She honestly tells Skeeter