Character as seen by another

20 called as preferences: perceiving and judging. In Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, there are four areas which can be combined to produce sixteen personalities. Keirsey and Bates 1978: 101-106 described the four areas as follows: 1 Extraversion vs Introversion Extroverted people are more influenced by their surroundings. They tend to focus more on the objective things than the subjective things. Extroverts feel more comfortable in group settings. These people are usually better understood and relates well and easily to others. They tend to be responsive, expressive and enthusiastic. Extroverted people tend to approach new situation quickly, to verbalize quickly, and to act quickly. Introverted people, in contrary, are orientated toward the subject and away from the object. Introverts are comfortable being alone and tuned in their inner world with all of their dreams, biases, and individualized perceptions. Introverted people like to hold back when faced with something or someone unfamiliar and tend to feel insecure. These people also perceive the external world like the extroverts do, but they do it very selectively and with their individual view. However, there are no people who are pure introverts or extroverts. People possess both extraversion and introversion attitudes, but in different portion. The relationship of introversion and extraversion attitude can be described by the non-separable yin-yang motif. 2 Sensation vs Intuition Intuitive people are apt to anticipate future events more than sensation people do. These people like to keep promise and breaking the promise can be a tragic occurrence for them. They are difficult to handle and can hate passionately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 Intuitive people can also predict the future and most of their prediction are correct. Meanwhile, sensation people enjoy adventures and do something which includes factual informations. These kind of people tend to be in tune with the realities of the environment and respond to details. Sensation people like something real, while intuition people like imaginative things. 3 Thinking vs Feeling People who prefer the thinking way want reasons for everything they do. These people do not like to be touched and have difficulties to approach others with affection. They are apt to be the ones who will not display a reaction when facing difficult situations and appear unresponsive. Meanwhile, people who prefer feeling way are apt to want to know that they are pleasing the other people by their obedience. They tend to be more sensitive of the emotional climate in their society and respond easily to expressions of affection. These people are more supple in reacting to difficult situations happened in their society. 4 Perceiving vs Judging Judicial people want things established and in order. They will be irritated when they see something that is not in order. These kind of people are apt to be on time, worry about being late, and tend to have things organized.They are apt to run the activities of their neighborhood, especially if they are extroverts. Meanwhile, the perceptive people seem unconcerned about being on time or not. They do not mind about having things unorganized and are apt to be reminded about everything. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI