Objective of the Study Problems Formulation



This chapter consists of theories and studies related to the study and used to analyze and solve the problems in this study. There are four main parts in this chapter. The review of related studies consists of some studies which had been analyzed before. The review of related theories consists of some theories related to the study and directly relevant with the study. The review of socio-historical background consists of some reviews of African American maids in the 1960s. The theoretical framework explains the contribution of the theories and reviews to solve the problem of this study and how to apply them.

A. Review of Related Studies

In the following studies on The Help, the researcher reviewed three selected studies. The first study was conducted by F. Sabrina Cahyamita 2008 from English Language Education Study Program. The study is entitled Racial Equality as Perceived by the Three Main Characters in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help. The study is aimed to emphasize Stockett’s universal messages of racial equality. She used library study as the method of study. She also applied psychological approach and the socio cultural-historical approach to complete her study. The analysis showed that in general, racial equality is perceived as a condition in which naturally, all human beings are supposed to be equal, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 regardless of their races, and because of that they have the equal basic rights and should be treated equally. The second study was conducted by Stella Maris Saraswati Mere 2009, also from English Language Education Study Program. The study is entitled The Discrimination Against African American Women in The Early 1960s as Depicted in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help. The study is aimed to reveal the depiction of discrimination against African American women living around 1960s. She used library research method in conducting the study to identify the sources that provide important information for the study. She also used review of socio- cultural and historical approach and the theory of racial discrimination to complete the study. The analysis revealed that the African American women are forced to endure double discriminations: discriminated of being African American people and of being women. However, there is no benefit that can be reaped from discrimination, because each type of discrimination exists in the world only leaves people in misery. The writer then convinced the readers to be able to love others in order to make this world a better place to live. The last study was conducted by Christina Eka Laksmidea 2010. She was also from English Language Education Study Program. The study is entitled An Analysis of Skeeter Phelan’s Intentions in Writing A Book as Seen in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help. This study is aimed to find out the possible intentions of Miss Eugenia ‘Skeeter’ Phelan in writing Help as seen in Katrhyn Stockett’s The Help. The writer conducted library research to answer the problem formulation and also used socio-historical approach to fulfill the objectives of the analysis. The analysis