Research Method Research Setting Research Participants

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This chapter presents a rationale for the research method and analysis. The researcher describes the methods of the research analysis, outlines the procedure in gathering and analyzing the data, and reveals the boundaries of the research. This part is divided into six parts, namely, the research method, the research setting, the research participants, the instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure

A. Research Method

The researcher used mixed method in this study. Mixed method was the combination between a quantitative and a qualitative method. As stated by Gall, Gall and Borg 2006, mixed method is a technique that combines both qualitative and quantitative methods in the design of a single study p. 32. In 2006, Lodico, Spaulding, and Voegtle conclude that a mixed method combines the strength of both qualitative and quantitative research. It provides both an in-depth look at context, processes, and interactions and a precise measurement of attitudes and outcomes p. 282. It was also supported by Creswell 2009 when the quantitative and qualitative data are used together in the research; a mixed method approach will give a better understanding of the research questions than either type by itself. 23 23 In this study, the mixing process occurred in the data collections were in the form of the questionnaire and interview.

B. Research Setting

The study took a place at Sanata Dharma University. To be exact it was at the English Language Education Study Program. The settings of this research are in the Language Teaching Media classes. There are two classes, class B and class E. Every class had different schedule. Both of the classes are held on Friday, class B started the class at 07.00 AM and class E at 10.00 AM. These classes were held on the fifth semester. The researcher distributed the questionnaires on 28 November 2014. Meanwhile, the interview was conducted on 4-5 June 2015.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were the students of the English Language Education Study Program. The Language Teaching Media students of the academic year 2012 were chosen as the primary research participants. The researcher took 49 students from the Language Teaching Media subject classes, those were class B and class E. In this case, the researcher employed the purposive sampling. As stated by Singleton and Straits 1999, the purposive sampling belongs to the nonprobability sampling in which the researchers select the units that are 24 24 representative or the typical of the population based on their judgments. The researcher selected the participants as the sample because they had experiences in making listening media using appropriate software in Language Teaching Media class. Moreover, those two classes are taught by the same lecturer. That were the reasons the researcher only took those two classes out of five Language Teaching Media classes.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique