Questionnaire Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

24 24 representative or the typical of the population based on their judgments. The researcher selected the participants as the sample because they had experiences in making listening media using appropriate software in Language Teaching Media class. Moreover, those two classes are taught by the same lecturer. That were the reasons the researcher only took those two classes out of five Language Teaching Media classes.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

In order to obtain the data for this research, the researcher used questionnaire. The questionnaire is used to answers the research questions. The following part describes the instruments used in this research.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, a questionnaire was distributed to investigate the answer to the first and the second research question. The first question was the steps students took to make the listening media. Then the second question was about the students’ perceptions on the use of software in making listening media. The researcher chose a questionnaire to obtain the explanation about the students’ perceptions on the use of software in making listening media and the process. Gall, Gall, and Borg 2006 define questionnaires as the printed forms that ask the same questions of all individuals in the sample and for which respondents record their answers in a verbal form p. 228. 25 25 In order to obtain the detailed information, this questionnaire was divided into two parts, the close-ended and the open-ended questions. Van Dalen 1979 states a close-ended question consists of concrete questions and a choice of possible answer p. 126. The close-ended question is also called as fixed-choice question and this requires the respondents to choose on response from the provided options, as state by Singleton and Straits 1999. The researcher provides the degree of agreement which is set to obtain the expression of the statements to be agreed or disagreed with. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2000 define that the questionnaire scale contains degree of agreement which is set to gain the expressions of opinion, interest, or value, problems to react to, or statements to agree or disagree with was Likert scale p. 253. The scale that is used by the researcher is Likert Scale on one to five scales Brown Rodgers: 2004. The degree of agreement is strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree, and strongly disagree. Below is the sample of the questionnaire. The full version of the questionnaire is attached in the Appendix A. Table 3.1 Sample of the Questionnaire Form SD: Strongly Disagree; D: Disagree; U: Undecided; A: Agree; SA: Strongly Agree No Statements SD D U A SA 1 I made a lesson plan before making the listening media 2 I knew what class I was going to teach 26 26 The second part of the questionnaire was an open-ended question. As stated by Singleton and Straits 1999, an open-ended question requires respondents to answer the questions in their own words in a written form. Students were given a chance to answer the questions freely. It was supported by Van Dalen 1979, “the open-form questionnaire permits the participants to answer freely and fully in their own words and their own fram e of reference” p. 126.

2. Interview