Phenomenological Study Definition of Terms

16 Code settlement is owned by the Yogyakarta Palace according to the official authority. The history of Yogyakarta land in Giyanti agreement 1755 shows that the palace rules a kingdom. Another substantive thing, in the past the palace was built in Paberingan Jungle located between Winongo and Code River. Then, in UU no. 13 tahun 2012 in regard to the special district of Yogyakarta, in chapter X related to land affairs in pasal section 32 ayat subsection 2 is stated that the sultanate as the legitimate law agency is the one who has the property right of the sultanate land. Hence, people in Code do not have the property right in this place considering that they are also as comers Ayodiya, 2014, p. 26. The history clearly describes that the settlement is marginalized by these conditions. In addition, people in the settlement were also from low social- economic status. Most of them only earn money approximately 500.000- 1.000.000 rupiahs a month Ayodiya, 2014, p. 29. The adults and children also have low education now. According to the local community chief Ketua RT, he said that until 2012 only 10 of the people studied at colleges, while 90 of them did not. These backgrounds invited Romo Mangun to give some educational aids and guidance to children in the settlement at that time. Romo Mangun explained that many impoverished children were actually clever, unfortunately they did not have a chance to learn well Yahya, 2005. The statement confirms that the children still have a hope as long as they are given chances to learn well.

2. Pengajaran Code as a Volunteer Tutoring Program

The marginalization also led some Sanata Dharma students, including the research participants, to give a volunteer tutoring program to the impoverished 17 children. The program then was called as Pengajaran Code. From the program the researcher, as a tutor as well, underwent some fundamental perspective transformations. These transformations led the researcher to believe that the perspective transformations were also undergone by the other tutors. However, the researcher also believes that areas of the transformations can be in the same or different areas. Hence, the belief was not intended to intervene and generalize the researc hes’ perspective transformations to other tutors. The belief also led the researcher to investigate the perspective transformations undergone by some research participants as tutors in the program. Moreover, some other studies be fore also showed that such program could transform the tutors’ perspectives and attitudes in some different areas. By joining a service-learing program as tutors Malone, Jones and Stallings 2002, p. 79 explain that “participants appeared to develop new perspectives and attitudes in areas such as identity and personal development, teaching and learning, and service and responsibility to the community ”. They add that some other research in service-learning show fairly consistent and suggest that “prospective teachers who engage in servicing-learning as a part of their teacher education program develop skills and attitudes which can be beneficial to them as teachers” p. 62, such as in: sensitivity to diversity, increased self-esteem, strengthened communication skills, improved problem solving and critical thinking, stronger commitment to teaching a profession, deeper engagement in critical reflection, substantive changes in attitudes, beliefs and perceptions, strengthened caring skills, moral and ethical rea soning, enhanced “moral