Operational Definition Organization of the Thesis

21 findings in this study can be used for next researchers who focus on other model of critical discourse analysis and critical sociology. Hopefully, this research can give the information about symbolic violence in education and the text analysis using CDA through textual analysis, social cognition analysis and social context analysis - Practical Practically, this research may provide benefits in education, especially in the use of learning materials. The result of this study can be used as a recommendation for teacher and fellow students to be careful in using a textbook for teaching activity, especially a subject that contains some violence, like symbolic violence. In addition, the study provides recommendations to the government to be more selective in choosing the authors of textbooks for students learning. It does not only require script editors who understand the structure of language, but also language experts to assess the feasibility of textbooks before they are published.

1.6. Operational Definition

Based on the title of the research, the researcher finds some operational definitions as follows: - New Islam is the rationalization of Islamic understanding and contextualization of Islamic values into life. In Islamic terminology, new Islam 22 is derived from the word tajdid. Some various terms which sound almost similar as the essence of new Islam come later such as modernism, reformism, Puritanism, revivalism and fundamentalism Syamsuddin and Esposito, 1987:21. - Symbolic Violence is actually used to explain mechanism used by elite or upper class dominating social structure to “force” ideology, culture, habits, or life style to control lower class. Martono, 2012:5 - Doxa is a set of fundamental belief that does not need to be explicitly declared as dogma Bourdieu in Karnata, 2013:10 - PAI dan Budi Pekerti XI SMA is written by Mustahdi and Mustakim and the editors are Yusuf A. Hasan and Muh. Saerozi, published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan the center of Curriculum and Book, Research and Development board, the Ministry of Education and Culture

1.7. Organization of the Thesis

This thesis is entitled A Symbolic Violence behind The Construction of “New Islam”: A Case In Chapter 10 Of The Book of PAI dan Budi Pekerti, and it is organized as follows: Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter consists of Background of the Study, Statements of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Scope of the Study, Significance of the Study, and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter II is Review of Related Literature. It tells about the previous studies related to the thesis and the theoretical framework. It covers Previous Studies and 23 theoretical framework through the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis, Symbolic Violence, Discourse and Ideology, and Discourse in Education. Chapter III is Research Method. This chapter consists of Research Design, Unit of Analysis, Source of Data, Technique of Data Collection, and Technique of Data Analysis. Chapter IV is Findings and Discussion. This chapter presents and discusses the analysis of the data. The results of the analysis show that the book applied the symbolic violence in the form of forcing doxa of Salafi-Wahabi sects, as identified through Authors’ Partiality, and externalization of Salafi-Wahabi Ideology. Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion. This chapter consists of the conclusion of the research and suggestion for further research, especially for discourse analyst and teacher. 24