In Chapter IV, the researcher will present the symbolic violence praxis through doxa in PAI dan Budi Pekerti and its relation to the contruction of New Islam.

4.1. Research Findings

In this study, new Islam relates to the concept of pembaharuan renewal described by the author in the book of PAI dan Budi Pekerti. The discussion of the renewal is described by the author in the explanation of Modern Islam. So that the construction of the New Islam deals with the concept of pembaharuan contained in the book. Symbolic violence contained in the book is the understanding of the concept of the New Islam based on the authors’ desire. The new Islamic concept constructed by the authors through doxa and orthodoxa. Doxa can be found through their alignments for the Salafi-Wahabi ideology and cultural reproduction process to the society. Doxa was used by the authors for practicing symbolic violence. Doxa was maintained every time by the authors and internalized in the external environment consistently. It means that doxa was used to control weak groupmarginal. Doxa appears in the book of PAI dan Budi Pekerti is the Islamic ideology of Salafi- Wahabi. The writer tried to maintain consistently the doxa to influence the reader. 53 S oli Author’s Ideolog Do a 1 Do i a tio of parti ip a ts a d a tors; • Ha bitu s • Ag enc y • Me The doxa in the form of Islamic teaching of Salafi-Wahabi was internalized unconsciously. Symbolic violence happened in the process of maintaining the belief of the salafi-wahabi sect in the text and the effort to influence the reader to receive the thought of the Islamic sect. Doxa was internalized through the statements written by the authors through their supports to the figures of Salafi-Wahabi. The analysis of doxa in the book of PAI dan Budi Pekerti with the social science theory has not given a comprehensive analysis. The analysis was only on the interpretation, so that it needs to be strengthened through the analysis of linguistics in order to gain enough description about the case. This research shows that symbolic violence happens through doxa in several ways namely a Authors’ partiality b Externalization of Salafi-Wahabi Ideology. It can be seen on the scheme below. Figure 4.1 Symbolic Violence through doxa The doxa undertaken by means of authors’ partiality can be observed through van Dijk’ critical discourse analysis and transitivity theory. Symbolic violence related to the linguistic features is used by the authors in producing 54 discourse. The result shows that the authors’ partiality emerges in several aspects: 1 Participants and actors; 2 hidden actor; 3 active and passive clause; 4 Negative clause; 5 Modality; and 6 Conjunction. In Bourdi eu’s theory, we know agency and agent, as the parts of society structure. Agent has tight relevance with the objective and subjective structure. The agent in this research is the authors of PAI and Budi Pekerti book. The authors are Mustahdi and Mustakim and the editors are Yusuf A. Hasan and Muh. Saerozi, published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan the center of Curriculum and Book, Research and Development board, the Ministry of Education and Culture. Personally, both authors did exterior internalization. It means that, as the agent, the authors grasped external matter through their field. The external moment can be ideology, perspective, and believe in Islam. The externalization processes done by the authors are understanding and believing in the thought and the teaching of Salafi-Wahabi ideology as a doxa. The result shows that externalization of Salafi-Wahabi Ideology emerges through several aspects: 1 Habitus and mental model; 2 Cultural reproduction; 3 Power and access; and 4 Strategy and capital.

4.2. Discussion