Active and Passive Clause

72 Active and Passive Clause

One of the analysis from the sentence form in this book is concerning on the production of active and passive sentences appeared in the text. Active and passive clause in the research findings are used by the authors to strengthen their partiality to the doxa Salafi-Wahabi. Both are used when the author describes the Islamic thoughts and views of the three characters. The analysis of active and passive sentences in the book is shown as follows: The first is active sentence in which Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim become the participants in the sentences. The active sentences in the text are realized through verbs such as memerangi, memberantas, mengadakan, membela, meningkatkan, menghilangkan. It can be seen in the clause below. C52 line 29-30 [Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim] Memerangi orang-orang yang menyimpang dari aqidah kaum salaf [[Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qoyyim] Fight those who deviate from the Aqeedah of the Salaf] C24 line 33-34 [Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim] memberantas takhayul dan bid’ah yang masuk ke dalam ajaran Islam [[Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qoyyim] eradicate superstition and heresies that go into Islam] C26 line 35-36 [Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim] menghilangkan paham salahyang dibawa oleh tarekat [[Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qoyyim] eliminating wrong understanding taken by the congregation] That case can be interpreted that both Islamic figures as participants are in line with the right concept of Islamic thought since the case was narrated through 73 positive evaluation. The both figures are emphasized in the text book. While the active sentence in which Abdul Wahab as the participant is realized through some verbs such as memperbaiki and memusatkan. It can be seen in the clause below. C38 line 65-66 [Abdul Wahab] memperbaiki kedudukan umat Islam [[Abdul Wahab] fixed the position of Muslims] C39 line 72-73 [Abdul Wahab] memusatkan perhatian pada soal ini [Tauhid] [[Abdul Wahab] focus attention on this issue [monotheism]] It can be interpreted that the figure as participant is in line with the concept of Islamic thought since it is narrated through positive evaluation so that the figure is emphasized in the text book. The second is passive sentence. The authors used a strategy to hide someone through passive sentence in the text. For instance, the clause can be seen below. C41 line 73-74 Orang yang menyembah selain Allah Swt telah menjadi musyrik dan boleh dibunuh. [Those who worship other than Allah has become idolatrous and may be killed] C53 line 69 Kemurnian paham tauhid mereka telah dirusak oleh ajaran-ajaran tarekat. [The purity of monotheism understand they have been undermined by the teachings of the congregation] Through the passive sentence, the authors did not explain explicitly the intended actor in the word dibunuh. The clause can be understood by the reader that those who can be killed are people who do not worship to Allah. However, that 74 clause is too general. It does not specify or refer to certain subject. Someone can kill people who do not worship to Allah is someone who worships to Allah. In addition, through the word dirusak, the authors wanted to discredit the teachings of tarekat. The teachings had caused the destruction of the purity of tauhid owned by Moslem. However, the authors did not refer to what kind tarekat, ideology, and its teaching. Negative Clause