Triangle Discourse of van Dijk

37 underground in a text or speech in the context of social structure. So, critical discourse analyst takes explicit position in understanding and analyzing social inequality. It is relevant with Fairclough Wodak 1997: 271-280 in van Dijk 1998:2 which summarized the main tenets of CDA. According to them CDA addresses some kinds of investigations, such as social problems, power relations are discursive, discourse constitutes society and culture, discourse does ideological work, discourse is historical, the link between text and society is mediated, discourse analysis is interpretative and explanatory, and discourse is a form of social action. So, it gives us a complete understanding to uncover how social structure factor influence the language Triangle Discourse of van Dijk

van Dijk’s discourse analysis framework contains with three phases, these are macro structure, super structure and micro structure. Macro structure explains about global meaning of a text which can be analyzed through the topic raised. Then, super structure elaborates the framework of a text including structure and discourse element used in text arrangement. While, micro structure is a local meaning which can be analyzed through diction, sentence and language style used in a text. Communicative Act according to van Dijk 2001: 198 becomes the reference in the process of discourse. The product of discourse includes some aspects such as text, speech, the writer’s layout and other semiotic aspects. CDA 38 CDA Te tual A al sis So ial Cog itio A al sis So ial Co te t A al sis introduced by van Dijk including textual analysis, social cognition, and social concept. The three analyses have interrelationship, an analysis is connected to the other analysis and affects one another especially in producing discourse. The following is the explanation of the concepts. Figure 2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis Textual analysis includes global meaning of a text that can be observed through its topic or themes, the structure of the text and discourse elements used to construct a text, and local meaning that can be observed through diction, word choice, sentences and rhetoric used in the text. Nurhayati 2015:12 explained that the discourse analysis aims to understand the structure of the discourse done by deciding aspects that are relevant to the purpose of the text types analyzed. It is usually used to uncover textual structure such as topic choice, lexicon, and placing participant in clauses. Textual analysis can be observed through the steps of van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis and transitivity theory. According to Halliday and Matthiessen 2004 transitivity showed the representation of meaning existed in the clause regarding the process relating to participant and circumstance. There are six 39 processes in the system of transitivity namely material process, mental process, relational process, verbal process, behavioral process, and existential process Gerot and Wignell, 1994; Halliday and Matthiessen 2004. The textual analysis employs social cognition domain. This aspect includes trust, evaluation, emotion, attitude, mental structure and memory based the production process and discourse interpretation. In this analysis, van Dijk as portrayed by Nurhayati 2015:14 introduces a concept called mental model, namely cognition models saved in episodic memory as part of human’s long term memory. Mental model consists of context model, event model, and schema of social representation or social cognition forming knowledge, attitude, ideology, values, norm, and so forth. Those models influence the process of discourse production. So, the analysis undertaken includes textual and contextual dimension. Social cognition analysis refers to writer’s mental awareness in producing discourse through a textbook. The textbo ok’s writer not only can be seen from one perspective, but also through some important things they have such as their knowledge, experience, values and ideology and their world view. The last dimension is social dimension. According to van Dijk 2001:117, CDA also emphasizes its focus on social dimension such as power and domination. The analysis undertaken includes social situation, acts, social actor of a discourse. Social situation as explained by Nurhayati 2015:15 includes aspects explained in the context model such as knowledge about setting, the role of participant, acts, etc. that are relevant to produce and understand the text. The result of the analysis in 40 S Heterod Do Ortodo a Te tual A al sis So ial Cog itio So ial Co te t micro structure should project macro structure or social structure that influence, and construct a discourse. Social context relates to how a discourse was produced by a community. Its practices relate to the power and access they have in social life. Power is a group or person ownership to pressure another group through hegemony and domination. The impact of those practice is implemented in learning materials which represent a particular group. Besides power, the access also becomes an important aspect in social dimension context because a dominant group always has an access to the media to maintain the domination over marginal groups. There is relationship between v an Dijk’s idea and Bourdieu. Both of them have the same main focus to reveal an underground symbolic violence as explained in the following scheme. Figure 2.3 Symbolic Violence and CDA As explained above, symbolic violence occurs through doxa, heterodoxa, and orthodoxa which is implicit and hidden. Symbolic violence appears as a result of habitus, capital, and field manifested as doxa, heterodoxa, and orthodoxa. The doxa can be analyzed through CDA approach. It includes textual analysis, social cognition, and social concept. The three analyses have interrelationship, an analysis 41 is connected to the other analysis and affected each other especially in producing discourse. So, those three doxas can reveal the social problem concealed by the discourse producer.

2.2.4. Discourse and Ideology