Hidden Actor Doxa through the Means of Authors’ Partiality

70 C6 line 33 Pemikiran Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim antara lain mengadakan pembaharuan dalam bidang agama, sosial, dan ekonomi [Thought of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qoyyim include holding reform in the fields of religion, social, and economic] C9 line 51-52 Muhammad bin Abd Wahhab yangmempunyai pengaruh pada perkembangan pemikiran pembaharuan di abad ke-19 [Muhammad ibn Abd Wahhab has influence on the development of thought reform in the 19th century] Hidden Actor

In the sentence of kebanyakan orang Islam bukan lagi penganut paham taudid yang sebenarnya. In the clause of Orang Islam as explained above pada klausa berapa diatas? , the authors do ‘extrication to the actor’ that makes reference to the entity that has been positioned as an actor that has negative activities and characters. That statement can be interpreted that the purpose of the statement is a group outside the text and not mentioned in the text. The entity refers to the group of Moslem which is categorized as the cause of the decline of Islam. Moreover, the authors also tried to emphasize both figures Ibnu Taimiyah and Ibnu Qoyyim in the sentence of. C29 line 38-39 Ide-ide cemerlang Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim dan yang lainnya dilanjutkan oleh tokoh-tokoh muda yang lahir pada abad ke-18 [Bright ideas of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim and others followed by young figures who were born in the 18th century] By using the clause yang lainnya, the authors tried to hide the thought and perspective of other figures except the both figures. In his explanation, the authors 71 also gave good quality to both figures as the pioneer of modernity in Islamic world. The next is the tarekat as hidden actor. It is like in the sentence of. C26 line 35-36 [Ibnu Taimiyah dan Ibnu Qoyyim] menghilangkan paham salahyang dibawa oleh tarekat [[Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qoyyim] eliminating wrong understanding taken by the congregation] In his narration, the authors explained that tarekat with its teaching is the cause of the decline of Islam. However, the authors did not explain what type of tareket they meant. It is known that in Islam, there are so many types of tarekat with its different teaching. Besides, the authors generalize the tarekat, actually, they also tried to make a reference to the entity in which its teaching deviates from Islamic teaching. Islam in this sense is the new Islam which is consistently issued as discourse. The last is the hidden actor of negara Barat dan dunia Barat which is positioned as the goal and becomes the cause of the decline of Islam, for instance in the sentence of. C28 line 36-37 Membela umat Islam terhadap permainan politik negara Barat. [Defend Muslims against Western countries political game] C15 line 40 Umat Islam sudah tertinggal jauh Dibandingkan dunia Barat [Muslims is far behind compared to the Western world] However, in his explanation, the authors did not explain which negara Barat and what dunia Barat looks like. It means the authors did not mean to specify what country or region in the West as the cause of decline of Islam. 72 Active and Passive Clause