Relevance Studies Conceptual Framework

C. Research Procedures

The research procedures follow the steps in RD cycle proposed by Tomlinson 2008. However, they were simplified. The steps are as follows. 1. Conducting needs analysis The first step in this research is conducting needs analysis. In this stage, the researcher collected the data to find out the needs of the students. The researcher observed the students in the teaching–learning process. The researcher also interviewed some students. 2. Writing the course grid and designing the unit After doing needs analysis, the researcher wrote the course grid. It became the base in writing the first draft. What the teacher would teach were formulated here. Learning materials such as pictures and the design of the book was prepared. 3. Writing the first draft Based on the course grid, the first draft was written. The learning materials were compiled into a good order. The activities were designed from the guided to free activities. 4. Expert judgment After the first draft was done, the researcher asked the expert to find the opinions, comments and suggestions of the designed materials. 5. Writing the final draft The final draft was written after getting the opinions, comments and suggestions from the expert.

D. Research Instruments

The instruments used to gather the data were interview guideline, observation guideline and questionnaire guideline. 1. Interview Guideline The researcher had an interview with the teacher and students. The interview guideline for the teacher is used to find the characteristics of the students, the problems that appeared during the class, and the information, the materials and activities in the learning process and the relation among the materials, the curriculum and syllabus, and the learning objectives that the teacher had experienced in the class. Then, the interview guideline for the students is used to find the information about the students’ characteristics, motivation, kinds of input needed, students’ preference in learning activities, students’ preference of the teacher’s role, students’ preference of the learner’s role, and the setting of the teaching and learning process. In addition, based on the students’ characteristics that they are not able to organize their learning, not able to read or write in the first language they develop the listening and speaking skills first, the needs analysis of their goals, necessities and wants are based on the interview of the teacher. It is done when the students cannot answer what they needs during the interview. The homeroom teacher, who is the English teacher as well was interviewed to know the students’ needs since the teacher dealt with them every day and know what they needs. Each of the interview guidelines is shown in the following table. Table 3.1 : The Teacher’s Interview Guideline No. Theory Purpose of the Question 1. Scott and Ytreberg 1990:1  To find the characteristics of the student.  To find the problems faces during the teaching process. 2. Pinter 2009 Nunan 1989 To find the information concerning the input of the materials used in the teaching and learning process. 3. Nunan 1989 To find the information concerning the activities in the teaching and learning process. 4. Nunan 1989 To find the information concerning the setting of tasks of the materials used in the teaching and learning process. 5. Brewster, Ellis and Gerard 2002 To find the information concerning the appearance of the materials. 6. Brewster, Ellis and Gerard 2002 Nunan 1989 To find the information concerning the relation among the materials, the curriculum and syllabus, and the learning objectives. Table 3.2 : The Students’ Interview Guideline No. Theory Purpose of the question 1. Hutchinson and Waters 1987  To get information about the profile and background.

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