Data Analysis Techniques RESEARCH METHODOLOGY


In this chapter, the results of the needs analysis, the process of writing the course grid, designing the first draft, expert’s judgment and revision would be presented. A. Result of the Design Product 1. The Results of the Need Analysis There were two parts of the results of the needs analysis. They were the description of the learners and the description of target needs and learning needs. The results of the needs analysis are described below. a. The Description of the Students’ Age. There were two classes of the first grade in Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Elementary School. The sample of the research study was 19 students in the academic year 20132014. They were in Kapulaga class. Actually, there were 28 students in this class. However, only 19 students agreed to have the interview. The others ran away when the researcher try to get close to them,. As the sample, there were 11 boys and 8 girls. Their age range was from 6 to 7 years old. The data of the students can be seen in the table below: Table 4.1 : The Description of the Students’ Age Students Gender Age years Boys Girls 19 11 8 6–7 49 b. The Descriptions of the Target Needs and Learning Needs. The target needs are analyzed based on the goals, necessities, lacks and wants of the learners. Hutchinson and Waters 1987 define that goals refer to the general intention behind the learning. Necessities refer to what the learners should know or achieve in order to function effectively in the target situation. Lacks refer to the gap between what the learners know already and what the learners do not know. Wants are related to the learners’ expectation after finishing study. Considering the age, it is difficult to analyze the learners’ need by having the interview with the students. In addition, they have limited ability in reading and writing skills. As stated in chapter II that based on the expert, Moon 2000 explains that too young to feel any need for English. Their attitude toward English is more affected by whether they like the teacher, the way English lessons are taught, their parents’ views, and what their friends feel about English. Therefore, the researcher tried to find the needs of the learners by getting information from the teacher and observing during the teaching and learning process. They are presented in the table below. Table 4.2 : The Results of Needs Analysis of the Learners Aspects Result Goals Based on the observation, the students just follow the flow of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. They do the tasks just to please the teacher, get reward and have the same activities with their peers. Necessities Based on the observation, the students needed media that could attract their attention. During the class, the students tended to chat with their peers because the picture used during lesson was not big enough so that they could not see it clearly. Lacks The teacher explained further that the students lacked of varied activities, especially if it related to the audio and media. Those can help in teaching listening. R : Apa ya yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa? Apakah aktivitas mendengarkan?What do the students lacks in learning English? Is it in listening skill? T : Iya, anak kurang mendengar ya. Terus itu peraga. Kebanyakan kalau untuk anak–anak buat sendiri. Menyenangkan sih buat sendiri tapi kan waktunya kita harus memikirkan yang lain. Yes, it is listening. And then, media. Most of the students make their own media picture. It is fun, but we have limited time. We need to think the others. R : Jadi kesulitannya pada audio, alat peraga sama time untuk membuatnya ya?So, the difficulties are in audio, media and time management, right? T : Iya. Menejemen waktunya tu masih sulit. Karena saya ngajar seminggu 24 jam. Belum lagi saya ngajar batik juga gitu. Biasanya saya siapkan di awal kalau pakai slide. Kalau di tengah – tengah ada perubahan tinggal saya sisipkan.Yes, managing the time is really difficult because I have to teach 24 hours each week. In addition, I also need to teach Batik. Usually, I prepare some slides. When there are some changes during the teaching process, I just add some in the slides. Wants Based on the interview, the teacher says that materials which contain pictures is important and something that is wanted. R : Jadi anak tidak terlalu banyak menuntut ya..So, the children do not demand something, do they? T : Iya, yang penting gambarnya jelas. Anak – anak ini beginner. Bener- bener belajar dari nol. Yes. the important thing is the pictures are clear. They are beginners, totally beginners. Based on the statement above, it is implied that the teacher wants the students can improve their ability in learning English so that they can use it well. The learning needs of the learners are defined based on the interview of the learners. Regarding the young learners’ characteristics, the researcher only used ‘Yes–No’ questions to define the learning needs. The 19 samples of the students almost had the same answers. Table 4.3 : The Results of Needs Analysis of the Learning Needs Aspects Statements Yes number of students No number of students input I like pictures. 19 - I like story telling. 19 - I like watching movies. 19 - I like singing. 14 5 procedures I like listening to the teacher when studying. 17 2 I like repeating the words after the teacher. 19 -

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