Teaching and Learning Process

students of SD Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu. The result of the needs analysis from those interviews became the base to design the materials. After the data and the information were obtained, the researcher tried to design appropriate materials for the first grade students of elementary school which is called as the first draft. After the English learning materials had been designed, then the researcher gave a questionnaire to get the expert’s judgment. It was used to evaluate and find out whether the materials needed some revisions.

F. Data Analysis Techniques

There will be two kinds of data in this research; qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data were obtained from the result of observation and interview. They were analyzed using qualitative data analysis model proposed by Miles and Hubberman 1994. In general, there are three stages to analyze the data as presented in the table below. Table 3.5 The Qualitative data Analysis Model Proposed by Miles and Hubberman 1994 a. Data reduction The process of transforming the masses of data into small number of categories b. Data display Organizing into that permits conclusion to draw an action. c. Data conclusion Deciding what things mean. The quantitative data were obtained from the questionnaire given to the expert. It was analyzed through descriptive statistics. A Likert Scale was used since it was appropriate for obtaining the judgments and opinion. The statements in the questionnaires were given score weight. The score for the evaluation statements were: 4 : SA, if the respondents strongly agree with the statements. 3 : A, if the respondents agree with the statements. 2 : D, if the respondents disagree with the statements. 1 : SD, if the respondents strongly disagree with the statements. The data, then, was analyzed to find the mean of the score. Mean = total score Number of case After finding the mean, the data were converted into the data conversion with some categorizations. The data conversion was used to describe the results using descriptive analysis. Based on Sugiono 2012 below is the data conversion table. Table 3.6 : Data Conversion Table Mean Score Categorization 3.26 – 4.00 Very good 2.51 – 3.25 Good 1.76 – 2.50 Fair 1.00 – 1.75 Poor

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