Activities Appropriate Materials for Young Learners

which their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning and interaction is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form 2004:4. Nunan proposes the components of task in a frame work below 2004:4 Figure 2.2 : Material Design Model by Nunan In details, Nunan describes the components of task as follows: a. Goal Nunan states that goals are vague general intentions behind any given learning task 2001:41. Goals relate to a range of general outcomes or directly describe teacher or learner behavior. The goals sometimes are not explicitly stated but it can be concluded from the examination of a task. b. Input Input refers to the spoken, written, and visual data that the learners work with in the course of completing a task Nunan, 2004:47. Input can be in the form of letter, newspaper, recipe, picture, dialogue, magazine, etc. those inputs give the learners an imagination and drive them to process the information based on their background knowledge before they go to the activities. Goal Procedure Task Setting Learner role Teacher role Input c. Procedures Nunan notes that procedures or activities are what learners will actually do with the input which forms the point of departure for learning task 2004:52. Furthermore, Nunan elaborates tasks types into three activities 2004:57. 1 Info-gap activity, involves transfer of given info from one person to another, calling for decoding or encoding of information from or into language. 2 Reasoning-gap activity, deriving some new info from existed info through inference process, deduction, practical reasoning, or a perception of relationship or patterns. 3 Opinion-gap activity, involves identifying and articulating a personal preference, feeling, or attitude in response to a given situation. Pattison 1987 in Nunan 1989:68 also proposes seven types of activities. a Questions and answers b Dialogues and role-plays c Matching activities, communication strategies d Pictures and pictures stories e Puzzle and problems f Discussion and decision d. Teacher and learner roles Roles refers to the part that learner and teacher are expected to playing a carrying out learning tasks as well as the social and interpersonal relationship between the participants Nunan,2004:64. In relation with the role of teacher, Richards and Rogers in Nunan 1989:84 note that the roles of teacher are related to the following cases: 1 The type of functions teacher are expected to fulfill. 2 The degree of control the teacher has over how learning takes place. 3 The degree to which the teacher is responsible for current. 4 The interactional patterns that develop between teacher and learner. The role of learner depends on the approach used in the teaching and learning process. In general, learner can be divided into following categories Nunan, 2004:65: 1 The learner is the passive recipient of outside stimuli. 2 The learner is an interactor and negotiation who is capable of giving as well as taking. 3 The learner is a listener and performer who has little control over the content of learning. 4 The learner is involved in a process of personal growth. 5 The learner is involved in social activity. 6 Learners must take responsibility for their own learning, developing autonomy and skills on learning how to learn. e. Settings Setting refers to the classroom arrangements specified or implied on the task and it requires consideration of whether the task is to be carried out wholly or partly outside the classroom Nunan, 2004:71.

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