Presentation, Practice, Production PPP

poster displays on different themes created by pupils, audio recordings, etc. Computer software Vocabulary development, creating text, identifying sounds. Furthermore, Brewster et al. 2003 state that the teachers can produce their own materials. The worksheets can be exercises and activities which are drawn, written, or word processed or photocopied. They also explain the worksheet features. They state that the worksheets should be clear, simple, and attractive. The instruction in the worksheet should be clear or in the children’s own language. Based on the characteristics, children are different from adult related to the materials used. The introduction of reading and writing in English should not take place until a fluent oral foundation has been established and, in foreign language situations, not until the children are familiar with the printed word in the mother tongue. Children need appropriate materials to help them learn English actively. To get the appropriate materials for children, teachers can develop their own materials. The materials should also follow the concept of readability in order to ease the students to understand them. According to Richards and Schmidt 2002:453 readability means how written materials can easily be read and understood. In fact, it depends on many factors which include the average length of sentences in a passage, the number of new words a passage contains, and the grammatical complexity of the language used. Those factors should regard the students’ age. One example is by adjusting the materials with the students’ characteristics. Materials must be suitable for the children as stated by Arnold and Rixon, cited in Tomlinson 2008:40. The quotation is as follow Suitable materials here, therefore often means materials that are not only child-friendly but also teacher-friendly, with the capacity to support and scaffold the early efforts of teachers who, in one way or another, are inexperienced in the field of EYL. Teachers in many contexts, especially in public primary schools, have acknowledged their need for support both in the English they are to use in class and in the methodology that is appropriate for teaching English to children. An appropriate learning material consists of a unit which is organized based on the learners’ need and curriculum to make the learning easy and effective. The materials in this study are designed into lesson units. Cameron 2001:21 states classroom tasks and activities are seen as the ‘environment’ or ‘ecosystem’. Children are active learners who will try to find a meaning and purpose for activities that are presented to them. Young learners work hard to make sense of what the teachers ask them to do and, and come to tasks with their own understandings of the purposes and expectations of adults.

a. Task

According to Brewster 2002:50, tasks emerge after pupils have studied a particular set of language and help to provide a context to ensure that learning has taken place. Tasks encourage pupils to personalize language, pursue their interests and use language in an independent and hopefully creative way. Tasks can be done individually, in pairs or in groups. Examples include the following: 1 Drawingwritingperforming a new version of a story which has been used in class 2 Writing and performing a simple play

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