KESALAHAN DAN KOREKSI Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris Publikasi Ilmiah.

conducting training for the community English speaking guides which make this spot to be one of the stop over villages. Key words: Natural, cultural conservation, and enhance community economics


Bagian ini membahas contoh abstrak yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris tidak standar. Ketidakstandaran penggunaan bisa dalam bentuk pemilihan leksikon, penyusunan kalimat dan gaya bahasa Inggris Ilmiah. Koreksi kesalahan ditandai dengan garis bawah, tanda garis di bawah kosakata, ungkapan, frasa maupun kalimat dari tiap abstrak sumber menandai kekurangsatandaran pemakaian, kemudian tanda garis bawah pada abstrak koreksi berikutnya sebagai bentuk yang standar Sumber abstrak berasal dari Draft Abstrak yang belum diedit, Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi. 1 PELATIHAN TEKNOLOGI FERMENTASI KOMBINASI FESES SAPI DAN BABI DALAM DIGESTER MOBILE SEBAGAI UPAYA PRODUKSI BIOENERGI ALTERNATIF ABSTRACT Has done community service in order to provide the knowledge and skills to members of a group of cattle in the village of Pengotan, Bangli about how processing cow manure and pig waste into biogas, as an environmentally friendly alternative energy. Method of activities with demoplot how to create installations, mobile digester, which is a fermentation tank where the cow and pig feces to produce biogas bioenergy is ready to use. The group of farmers who participated in the training activities of household-scale biogas production is very enthusiastic follow until the end. Almost 100 of participants acknowledged that mobile digester 47 offered as a place of production of biogas can be accepted and become the solution of cultural problems that have been developed in rural areas Pengotan. Key words: cattle feces, mobile digester and biogas KOREKSI This community service was conducted in order to provide the knowledge and skills to members of a cattle-group in the village of Pengotan, Bangli. It was also about how processing cow manure and pig waste into biogas, as an environmentally friendly alternative energy. Methods of activities are with demoplot how to create installations, mobile digester, which is a fermentation tank where the cow and pig feces producing biogas bioenergy is ready to use. The group of farmers who participated in the training activities of household-scale biogas production was very enthusiastically attending it until the end. Almost 100 participants acknowledged that mobile digester offered as a place of production of biogas can be accepted and become the solution of cultural problems that have been developed in rural areas Pengotan. Key words: cattle feces, mobile digester and biogas 2 APLIKASI RUMUS PENAKSIRAN BOBOT BADAN TERNAK BERDASARKAN UKURAN DIMENSI TUBUH PADA KELOMPOK PETERNAK SAPI POTONG DI DESA DAUH YEH CANI ABIANSEMAL BADUNG ABSTRACT The activity community service in order to improve the knowledge and skill of farmer in estimating the live weight of bali cattle was conducted on Monday, 23 August 2009. This activity is followed by 22 farmers a member of local society “Walung Sari” which is located at Banjar Banjaran, Abiansemal village, Badung regency. The method that have been used in this activity were counseling and demonstration including the procedure to measure body dimension which are body length and heart width of cattle, estimate a body weight by using a formula besed on body dimension, and comparing the estimation result into a table conversion. Result of the activity indicate that the response of farmers at the time when 48 the activity take place were very good. This matter is showed from a good enthusiasm of farmers at following the activity and the number of questions which emerge at the time of discussion. The questions were raised all about a equipment and how to use it in measuring body dimension, how to increase the estimation accuracy and how the impact of estimation result when it is used in animal transaction. At the time of demonstration all of farmers follow the practice with a good enthusiasm too and they also tray to measure a body dimension of cattle. From the activities result it can be concluded that a training as well as estimate of a live weight based on that formula or equation have perceivable by the farmers and promise to apply this knowledge in animal transaction. Key words : estimating formula, live weight, body dimension KOREKSI The activity of community service in order to improve the knowledge and skill of farmer in estimating the live weight of Bali cattle was conducted on Monday, 23 August 2009. This activity was attended by 22 farmers from the members of local society “Walung Sari” located at Banjar Banjaran, Abiansemal village, Badung regency. The methods used in this activity were counseling and demonstration including the procedure to measure body dimension which are body length and heart width of cattle, estimate a body weight by using a formula besed on body dimension, and comparing the estimation result into a table conversion. Result of the activity indicated that the response of farmers at that time was very good. This matter was shown from a good enthusiasm of farmers in attending the activity and the number of questions emerges at the time of discussion. The questions were raised all about equipments and how to use them in measuring body dimension, how to increase the estimation accuracy and how the impact of estimation result when it is used in animal transaction. At the time of demonstration all farmers participated on the practice with a good enthusiasm too and they also tried to measure a body dimension of cattle. From the activities result, it can be concluded that a training as well as estimate of a live weight based on that formula or equation have been perceived by the farmers and promised to apply this knowledge in animal transaction. Key words : estimating formula, live weight, body dimension 49 3 PENATAAN KEMITRAAN DAN KELEMBAGAAN DESA WISATA TISTA KECAMATAN KERAMBITAN KABUPATEN TABANAN ABSTRACT Tista village, representing one of the traditional village of Tabanan Regency owning unique of social aspect of typical other potency and culture so that many tourist paying a visit. From result of discussion with elite figure, agent travel and government hence in earning some potency which is competent to be sold in effort supporting tourism village. Besides arranging band of tracking had Tista custom, this activity have succeeded to make package tour and also form institute of tourism village to be in control of activity of tourism. While package tour competent sell that is package tour tourism village that is package which passing enjoy ancient commission, tracking, and countryside of traditional. In exploiting of tourism appearance of attraction of tourism remain to pay attention value of holy attraction, so that holy of cultural value remain to earn to awake. Key words: institution, tourism, and tourism village. KOREKSI Tista village, representing one of the traditional villages of Tabanan Regency owns a unique social aspect, potency and culture so that many tourists pay it a visit. From the result of the discussion with elite figures, travel agencies and government which are competent in terms of supporting tourism village, Tista village has developed the band of tracking. This activity have succeeded in making package tour and also formed institute of tourism village to control tourism activity. The package tour sells what is called tourism village consisting of a package passing enjoyably the ancient commission, tracking, and traditional countryside. In exploiting the tourism attraction, it must keep remaining to pay attention to the value of holy attraction, so that holy cultural value keeps improving our awareness. Key words: institution, tourism, and tourism village. 4 PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN SISWA SDN 2 TARO GIANYAR TENTANG CARA MENJAGA KEBERSIHAN PERSONAL ABSTRACT 50 The incidence of infection diseases such as diarrhea, caries, scabies, and other skin infection often exist in top ten number of diseases. According to Taro village is tourism destination field so a healthy environment become an important value for the tourists both of international and domestic tourism. This activity aim to increase the knowledge of students of elementary school 2 SD N in Taro Village about personal health. The result demonstrated the ricing of knowledge of SD N 2 students is 2.3 point. Keywords: Personal hygiene, knowledge KOREKSI The incidence of infection diseases such as diarrhea, caries, scabies, and other skin infection often exist in top ten number of diseases. According to Taro villagers, since it is tourism destination, the healthy environment become an important value for the tourists both of international and domestic tourism. This activity aimed to improve the knowledge of students of elementary school 2 SD N in Taro Village about personal health. The result demonstrating the knowledge of SD N 2 students is 2.3 point. Keywords: Personal hygiene, knowledge 5 PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PENGOLAHAN SIWALAN Borassus Flabellifer MENJADI SIRUP DAN NATA DI KUBU KARANGASEM ABSTRACT Once of agricultural commodity is produced at Sukadana Village is siwalan. To defend siwalan quality after harvesting is needed exact after harvesting preparation method. Preparation method which is not exact will cause the siwalan is quick to broken or become infected. So can‘t to be used as cooking spices or industries raw material. Usually, the farmers sell the siwalan direct after harvesting. So, in the large harvest, siwalan price is low and the farmers will have a financial loss. In order that, the exact after harvesting preparation method is needed to defend siwalan quality for longer time to get higher price and the farmers will have more profit to decrease siwalan farmer’s income. But, the Sukadana village peoples haven’t had knowledge about the exact after harvesting preparation method to defend siwalan quality and supporting equipment too. In order that, education and introduction of siwalan after harvesting preparation process to defend siwalan quality and supporting equipment is exact solution. Public service activity 51 as development trade of processing siwalan to become siwalan syrup and nata at Sukadana village, Kubu sub district, Karangasem district is carried out on Friday, 08 October 2010 with 37 peoples members and contiguous to become routine. At discussion moment, there are active two ways discussion happened. The activity like this is very useful for the peoples in the village. So, the same activity need to be conducted at the others village which is have the same agricultural commodity. Key words : agricultural commodity, Preparation method, after harvesting, siwalan quality, and supporting equipment KOREKSI One of the agricultural commodities produced at Sukadana Village is called siwalan. In order to maintain siwalan quality after being harvested, it is required an exact preparation-method. Preparation method which is not exact will cause the siwalan quickly rotten or become infected , therefore it cannot be used as cooking spices or raw industry material. Usually, the farmers sell the siwalan directly after harvesting, then in the siwalan season, the price is very low and the farmers suffer from great loss. Sukadana village peoples have not yet had knowledge about the exact after harvesting preparation method to maintain siwalan quality with the supporting equipment. Community service activity was carried out to develop the processing siwalan to be siwalan syrup and nata at Sukadana village, Kubu sub district, Karangasem on Friday, 08 October 2010. It was attended by 37 peoples with two way discussion method therefore they are very active asking and responding the topic. The activity like this was very useful for the people in the village. So, the same activity needs to be conducted at the other villages having the same agricultural commodity. Key words : agricultural commodity, Preparation method, after harvesting, siwalan quality, and supporting equipment 6 PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN SEKAA TERUNA- TERUNI DESA TARO, TENTANG INVENTARISASI DAN KONSERVASI BENDA CAGAR BUDAYA ABSTRACT The provisioning of comprehension about cultural heritage and conservation to the young generations can be working with education and training. Application of methods are presentation with discuss and training of conservation. The 52 advance of comprehension signification about cultural heritage is indicated by the advance percentage from 23 respondents 76,6 became 30 respondents 100, about rescuing of cultural heritage from 30 respondents 100 became 30 respondents 100, about inventarititon from 27 respondents 90 became 30 respondents 100. And for conservation become 30 respondents 100 from 27 respondents 90. The result shows that technique of education and training is efectively to advance respondents comprehension about cultural hetitage and concervation. Key words : inventaris, conservation, archaeology, and young generations.t KOREKSI The comprehension about cultural heritage and conservation to the young generations can work out with education and training. Application of methods are presentation with discussion and training of conservation. The advance of comprehension signification about cultural heritage is indicated by the advance percentage from 23 respondents 76,6 became 30 respondents 100, about rescuing of cultural heritage from 30 respondents 100 became 30 respondents 100, about inventory from 27 respondents 90 became 30 respondents 100. And for conservation become 30 respondents 100 from 27 respondents 90. The result shows that technique of education and training is efective for advanced respondents ’ comprehension about cultural hetitage and concervation. Keys word: inventory, conservation, archaeology, and young generations. 7 PEMBINAAN PEDAGANG TAHU DI PASAR BADUNG MENGENAI BAHAYA PENYALAHGUNAAN FORMALIN ABSTRACT Formaldehyde is an uncolored substance with very strong odor, and is usually added by methanol by 15 as preservative. The misuse of this substance is strongly banned by the governance. Formaldehyde is sometimes found in raw food such as fish, tofu, fresh noodle and the likes. Tofu product is often sold in traditional market as well as supermarket such as at Badung and Kumbasari markets. This community service program aimed to train the tofu retailer regarding the misuse of formaldehyde the danger and health effect. This 53 activity was held on 19 and 21 October 2010, and there has been an informal approach to the tofu retailers at Badung and Kumbasari market at 4 October 2010. The informal approach was intended to find out the respondents agreement to join the program. The pre test questionnaire on food additive substance, danger of formaldehyde, health effects and physical sign on food with formaldehyde was distributed to all respondents beforehand. Those questionnaires were aimed to identify the knowledge level of tofu retailers regarding the formaldehyde misuse. Besides, qualitative test was also conducted on two tofu retailers randomly selected in Badung market using chromathpate acid at Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture Technology. The result showed that respondents at Badung and Kumbasari market have been tofu retailer for at least 5 years and considered as a long period. Their knowledge 100 is considered low regarding the danger of formaldehyde misuses. Based on qualitative test on the tofu samples, formaldehyde in the samples were negative. This indicates that tofu sold at Badung and Kumbasari markets is safe to consume. It is recommended that it is better to do regular assistance for tofu retailer through counseling. Keywords: formaldehyde, tofu retailers, assisstancing, knowledge KOREKSI Formaldehyde is an uncolored substance with very strong odor, and is usually added by methanol by 15 as preservative. The misuse of this substance is strongly banned by the governance. Formaldehyde is sometimes found in raw food such as fish, tofu, fresh noodle and the likes. Tofu product is often sold in traditional market as well as supermarket such as at Badung and Kumbasari markets. This community service program aimed to train the tofu retailer regarding the misuse of formaldehyde the danger and health effect. This activity was held on 19 and 21 October 2010, and there has been an informal approach to the tofu retailers at Badung and Kumbasari market on 4 October 2010. The informal approach was intended to find out the respondents agreement to join the program. The pre test questionnaire on food additive substance, danger of formaldehyde, health effects and physical sign on food with formaldehyde was distributed to all respondents beforehand. Those questionnaires were aimed to identify the knowledge level of tofu retailers regarding the formaldehyde 54 misuse. Besides, qualitative test was also conducted on two tofu retailers randomly selected in Badung market using chromathpate acid at Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture Technology. The result showed that respondents at Badung and Kumbasari market have been tofu retailers for at least 5 years and considered as a long period. Their knowledge 100 is considered low regarding the danger of formaldehyde misuses. Based on qualitative test on the tofu samples, formaldehyde in the samples were negative. This indicates that tofu sold at Badung and Kumbasari markets is safe to consume. It is recommended that it is better to do regular assistance for tofu retailer through counseling. Keywords: formaldehyde, tofu retailers, assistance, knowledge 9 VASEKTOMI DAN PEMOTONGAN TARING MONYET EKOR PANJANG Macaca fascicularis DI LOKASI WISATA ULUWATU ABSTRACT Population growth and aggressiveness are important factors on macaque populations in which their habitats are used as tourist destinations. Controlling those two factors may decrease the negative impact of population both to its surrounding environment and to the internal circumstance of population. This Public Service was packed as a vasectomy and canine cutting services on the adult male of long tailed macaques occupying a tourist destination of Uluwatu, Badung Regency. Vasectomy is a surgical division of all or part of vas deferens to induce sterility. Surgical resection of part of vas deferens used a bilateral slicing method. Additional medical treatments were also performed according to cases met in field. During this performance, one selectively adult male was vasectomized and four adult males subjected to canine cutting. An operation of removing rubber that encircling the neck of a juvenile macaque was done successfully. Moreover, uprooting snare that tieing the left leg near tarsal region of sub adult male was also performed successfully. A week later, Uluwatu manajement reported that all individuals that formerly subjected to medical treatments were in good health and their wounds went to be healing completely. Key words: vasectomy; canine cutting long tailed macaque and Uluwatu KOREKSI 55 Population growth and aggressiveness are important factors on macaque populations in which their habitats are used as tourist destinations. Controlling those two factors may decrease the negative impact of population both to its surrounding environment and to the internal circumstance of population. This Community Service was packed as a vasectomy and canine cutting services on the adult male of long tailed macaques occupying a tourist destination of Uluwatu, Badung Regency. Vasectomy is a surgical division of all or part of vas deferens to induce sterility. Surgical resection of part of vas deferens used a bilateral slicing method. Additional medical treatments were also performed according to cases encountered in field. During this performance, one selected adult male was vasectomy-surged and four adult males subjected to canine cutting. An operation of removing rubber encircling the neck of a juvenile macaque was done successfully. Moreover, uprooting snare tied the left leg near tarsal region of sub adult male was also performed successfully. A week later, Uluwatu manajement reported that all individuals formerly subjected to medical treatments were in good health and their wounds went to be healing completely. Key words: vasectomy; canine cutting long tailed macaque and Uluwatu 10 IPTEKS BAGI MASYARAKAT PEDESAAN DI DESA TENGKUDAK PENEBEL TABANAN ABSTRACT Tengkudak Village is one of villages of Tabanan Regency which has tourism potential to attract tourist visits. Tengkudak Village has cool weather because it is located in 700 meter above the sea level with average temperature of 25 o C. Beautiful rice terraces with green color during the growing season and yellowish color during the harvesting season. Some part of it’s area consists of hills with beautiful cliff topography. It is about 92 of the land is used as agriculture and 76 of those are the rice fields with terraces along the hill side. Most of People work as farmers approximately 82.48 which are organized in a traditional agricultural institution called Subak. 56 Education level of the local people is considered still low those are 68.57 elementary school graduated, 3.08 primary school graduated, 11.12 academy school graduated, 1.47 undergraduate Village monograph, 2008, that’s why the agricultural products cannot be autonomously and professionally processed. To anticipate such a problem the Bali State Polytechnic Devotion Team carried out a guided training to the local people especially those who are members of the PKK groups 40 persons. Based on the program as it is planned, in the training program the commodities that are processed to become various kinds of foods are: Mangkok Ketela Rambat, Donat Variasi, Donat Ketela Ungu, Kaliadrem, Fried Sesame Ball, Soes Keju Goreng, Muffin Blueberry, Bolu Trio, Pudding Coklat, Pilus Ketela Ungu and so on. The training program for people or Ipteks bagi Masyarakat IbM which has been carried out in Tengkudak Village has successfully increased their understanding about tourism in general and has been able to increase their life skills in processing local commodities to become high valued products, at the end, their opportunities of contribution in tourism activity development getting higher. The products produced by training participants of IbM had met criteria of product requirement in terms of taste, form, texture, and set-up. Keyword: local people, training program KOREKSI Tengkudak Village is one of the villages in Tabanan Regency which has tourism potential to attract tourist visits. Tengkudak Village has cool weather because it is located in 700 meter above the sea level with average temperature of 25 o C. Beautiful rice terraces with green color during the growing season and yellowish color during the harvesting season. Some part of its area consists of hills with beautiful cliff topography. It is about 92 of the land is used as agriculture and 76 of those are the rice fields with terraces along the hill side. Most of People work as farmers approximately 82.48 which are organized in a traditional agricultural institution called Subak. Education level of the local people is considered still low those are 68.57 elementary school graduated, 3.08 primary school graduated, 11.12 academy school graduated, 1.47 undergraduate Village monograph, 2008, that’s why the 57 agricultural products cannot be autonomously and professionally processed. In order to anticipate such problem, the Bali State Polytechnic Community Service Team carried out a guided training to the local people especially those who are members of the PKK groups 40 persons. Based on the planned program, the training of the commodities processed to be various kinds of food are: Mangkok Ketela Rambat, Donat Variasi, Donat Ketela Ungu, Kaliadrem, Fried Sesame Ball, Soes Keju Goreng, Muffin Blueberry, Bolu Trio, Pudding Coklat, Pilus Ketela Ungu and so on. The training program for people or Ipteks bagi Masyarakat IbM carried out in Tengkudak Village has successfully improved their understanding about tourism in general and has been able to increase their life skills in processing local commodities to be high valued products, at the end, their opportunities of contribution in tourism activity development are getting higher. The items produced by training participants of IbM has met the criteria of product requirement in terms of taste, form, texture, and set-up. Key word: local people, training program 11 SOSIALISASI SISTEM PEMBUMIAN PADA PENGEMBANGAN INSTALASI LISTRIK RUMAH TANGGA DI DESA PEKUTATAN JEMBRANA ABSTRACT Villagers in the Pekutatan are not only relying on agricultural sector but also on industrial one. The industrial sector is home industrial scale such as coffee milling, flower, meat, and coconut grating. Almost all of this home industries use electricity as source of energy. At Pekutatan village, all of the sub-villages have been provided by electricity in which is not only used for lighting but also for improving productivity. It therefore increases the household income through this kind of industry. The development of electricity-based home industry in our society is not followed by sufficient understanding of electrical wiring practice. Many of the wiring installation is done without taking into account security and safety of the user. Therefore, lots of the residentials’ installation do not comply with the electrical installation code, PUIL 2000. This has led to risks of fire and electric shocks. In viewing this condition, the community service team from Department of Electrical Engineering Udayana University 58 conducted seminar and demonstration of electrical wiring and grounding system in the selected villager’s home. Through this disemination we hope that the community will gain better understanding to protect themselves when carrying the tasks. The result of this activity was that the villagers of Pekutatan had attended seminar about electricicty system and grounding system, and taken part in workshop of electrical installation that follows PUIL 2000. In addition, a grounding system has been installed in Tempek Budi, Banjar Pasar Pekutatan and the system shows excellence performance. Key words: grounding system, and PUIL 2000 KOREKSI Villagers in Pekutatan are not only relying on agricultural sector but also on industrial one. This sector is home industrial scale such as coffee milling, flower, meat, and coconut grating. Almost all this home industries use electricity as source of energy. At Pekutatan village, all of the sub- villages have been provided by electricity in which is not only used for lighting but also for improving productivity. It therefore increases the household income through this kind of industry. The development of electricity-based home industry in our society is not followed by sufficient understanding of electrical wiring practice. Many of the wiring installation is done without taking into account security and safety of the user. Therefore, lots of the residentials’ installation do not comply with the electrical installation code, PUIL 2000. This has led to risks of fire and electric shocks. In viewing this condition, the community service team from Department of Electrical Engineering Udayana University conducted seminar and demonstration of electrical wiring and grounding system in the selected villager’s home. Through this disemination we hope that the community will gain better understanding to protect themselves when carrying the tasks. The result of this activity was that the villagers of Pekutatan had attended seminar about electricicty system and grounding system, and taken part in workshop of electrical installation that follows PUIL 2000. In addition, a grounding system has been installed in Tempek Budi, Banjar Pasar Pekutatan and the system shows excellence performance. Key words: grounding system, and PUIL 2000 59 12 INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA NUGGET BABI DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT DI DESA BLAHKIUH ABSTRACT Dedication to society had been held on Friday September 19th 2008 at Balai Banjar Ulapan 1 Blahkiuh Village , District Abiansemal, Badung Regency to increase farmer knowledge to new innovation and technology in processing field of ranch result. This dedication will defines two methods, i.e. counseling and direct application. Participants attended on counseling occasion will be given about agribusiness also discuss problems during the time faced by farmer. Besides that also given information about way of processing pork meat to become nugget and its economic analysis. Application is conducted by organizing making practice pork nugget by PKK society attended on dedication occasion.Conclusion can be taken on this activity obtain positive welcome from Head of Village and staff, farmer and PKK society followed this activity. All participants were diligent and responsive following counseling. This can be seen from many questions submitted during discussion time. Economic analysis was done on pork meat processing to become nugget indicated satisfied result, by profit level reach 162.Suggestion can be submitted are counseling activities along with direct practice sustainability so that farmer and society generally do not know theoretically but straight to involve on practice about given material. Thus all farmers and society on village able to use the new technology Key Words: Pork Nugget, Home Industry and economic analyse KOREKSI This Community service was held on Friday, September 19th 2008 in Balai Banjar Ulapan 1 Blahkiuh Village , District Abiansemal, Badung Regency. It aimed to improve farmers’ knowledge about new innovation and technology in processing field of ranch result. This activity applied two methods, namely counseling and direct application. Participants who attended the counseling session were given about agribusiness, and discussion about the existing problems faced by farmer. Besides, they were given information about ways of processing pork meat to be nugget with its economic perspectives. Application method was conducted by practicing 60 to make pork nugget attended by the PKK members. Conclusion can be taken that this activity was warmly welcome by the Head of Village and staff, farmers and PKK society who were present then. All participants were diligent and responsive attending the counseling. This can be seen from many questions raised during the discussion time. Economic analysis was done on pork meat processing to become nugget which indicated satisfactory result, by profit level reaching 162. Suggestion can be given that counseling activities along with direct practice continuously, the farmer and society who used not to know theoretically are able to use the new technology Key Words: Pork Nugget, Home Industry and economic analysis. 13 PENERAPAN MESIN PENGEPRES KRUPUK SPIRAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EFFISIENSI DAN KAPASITAS PRODUKSI KRUPUK PADA INDUSTRI KECIL ABSTRACT Process of krupuk passing some step, where pressing step require the sufficient time because still use the appliance of pres manual or conventional. Method used to overcome the above problems is designed and is made machine of semiautomatic pressing row material. This machine is moved with the electromotor hereinafter transmission through belt which is fastened upon by pulley, hereinafter rotation reduced by gear by ratio 50: 1 to get the low rotation at primary axis. This machine is designed can make a move to shuffle through as according to wanted process. This devotion activity is executed at group effort krupuk own the Made Santa on desa Batubulan on 25 th Agustus 2009 and 27 th August 2009. This Machine applying improve the production capacities reach 400 . Keyword : pressing, gear, pulley, and semiautomatic KOREKSI The process of producing krupuk traditionally passes some steps because it is still used the manual or conventional utensils, however the pressing step requires more sufficient time. Method used to overcome the above problems is by 61 designing and making a machine of semiautomatic pressing row material. This machine is regulated by the electromotor transmission through belt which is fastened upon by pulley, and the rotation is reduced by gear with ratio 50: 1 to get the low rotation at primary axis. This designed machine can make a move to shuffle through as the wanted process. This community service activity was conducted for a group business of krupuk owned by Made Santa in Batubulan village on 25 th and 27 th August 2009. This Machine application turned out to improve the production capacities reaching 400 . Keyword : pressing, gear, pulley, and semiautomatic 14 PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN PEMBIBITAN JERUK BEBAS PENYAKIT CVPD Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration DI DESA KATUNG KINTAMANI ABSTRACT Education and training on free orange seed of disease CVPD Citrus Vein Phloem Degenaration at Katung village, district of Kintamani, Bangli regency on 10 August 2007. The activitis aimed to improve kmowledge of farmers about CVPD disease, symptom, transmission, insect vector, and integrated pest management. The topics convered were disease symptoms, and pathogen bacteria, Diaphorina citri are as vector insect infection mechanism, electionof free orange mains crops CVPD, disease distribution and integrated management of CVPD. The training was attended by 25 participants from local groups of Katung vallage. The methode used in activities were lectures, demonstration and practicle work in the citrus field. All participants enthusiatically took part and hope to have the next intensive training of citrus culture. Keynwords: Education, training, and CVPD KOREKSI The community service in the form of training about free orange seed of disease CVPD Citrus Vein Phloem Degenaration was conducted in Katung village, district of Kintamani, Bangli regency on 10 August 2007. The training activity aimed to improve knowledge of farmers about CVPD disease, symptom, transmission, insect vector, and integrated pest management. The topics covered were disease symptoms, and pathogen bacteria, Diaphorina citri are as insect vector 62 infection mechanism, election of free orange mains crops CVPD, disease distribution and integrated management of CVPD. The training was attended by 25 participants from local groups of Katung village. The methods used in this activity were lectures, demonstration and practical work in the citrus field. All participants enthusiastically took part and hoped to have the next intensive training of citrus culture. Keywords: training, CVPD, insect vector