22 This case study was done by distributing questionnaire sheets to the students of Interpreting class B and interviewing some of the students. The researcher used a questionnaire to depict the phenomenon in general. Then, the researcher interviewed the lecturer of Interpreting class B and some students to get deeper understanding about the results. Moreover, the researcher would use respondents’ self-reflection sheets to enrich the data. Through self-reflection, the researcher wanted to see their feelings and understanding about their own experiences.

B. Research Setting

This research was done in Sanata Dharma University. It was done in three steps. First, the researcher distributed the questionnaire in Interpreting class B on 2 December 2015 in Multimedia Laboratory 2. Second, the researcher interviewed the lecturer of Interpreting class B. The interview was done on 10 December 2015. Then, the researcher interviewed the students. The interview was done in three days. Three students were interviewed on 13 December 2015, one students was interviewed on 14 December 2015, and two students were interviewed on 15 December 2015. Moreover, the researcher also asked the students to make reflections of their experiences in using ExeLSA. It was done at the end of the semester. Third, the researcher used some documents which were related to this research. One document was a syllabus of Interpreting course, the other one was an evaluation document which was obtained from Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu of Sanata Dharma University on 20 March 2016. 23

C. Research Participants

The research participants of this research were the lecturer and twenty five students of Interpreting course class B. The students were still studying in Sanata Dharma University. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the twenty five students in the class. Actually, there were thirty students in the class, but only twenty five students filled the questionnaire sheets. After that, the researcher selected the students and chose six students to be interviewed. The interviewees were chosen by using cluster sampling. Johnson and Christensen 2012 define cluster sampling as a type of sampling in which clusters are randomly selected. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011 add that cluster sampling is widely used in a small scale research. It helps the researcher to select a specific number of participants. Thus, the researcher divided the participants into three groups. The groups were the students with high, moderate, and low total of answers. From the results of their answers in the questionnaire, the researcher tried to indicate their levels of self-regulated learning. Then, the researcher confirmed the results to the lecturer. It was done because the researcher wanted to see the different answers from different levels of self-regulated learning. Furthermore, in the interview, the students were asked about the implementation of ExeLSA and how it facilitated their self-regulated learning in the class. Students had the chances to share their experiences in using ExeLSA in the class. They also had chances to give reasons about their opinions. Meanwhile, the lecturer was asked about the use of ExeLSA and its role as a learning management system to support e-learning in the class. 24 In the analysis, this would not be bias because the researcher confirmed the statements of the interviewees. The students who were interviewed would be called A, B, C, D, E, F and the lecturer would be called Ms. X. The use of initial is for neutrality and respecting the research participants.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

There were three instruments which were used in this research. Those were questionnaire, interview, self-reflection, and document. 1. Questionnaire Johnson and Christensen 2012 define questionnaire as an instrument in the form of self-report data collection which are filled by research participants. They believe that the purpose of questionnaire is to obtain information about the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, values, perceptions, personalities, and behavioural intentions of research participants. Questionnaire can be used for a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method research. In this research, the researcher provided a closed-ended questionnaire in the form of Likert scale. Likert scale provides a range of responses to each statement of question ibid. The range of responses can be 1 not at all, 2 very little, 3 a little, 4 quite a lot, and 5 a very great deal or 1 strongly disagree, 2 disagree, 3 neither agree nor disagree, 4 agree, and 5 strongly disagree. In the questionnaire, the researcher provided five responses which were strongly disagree SD, disagree D, undecided U, agree A, and strongly agree SA. Furthermore, the questionnaire was a quantitative questionnaire. Johnson and 25 Christensen 2012 states that a questionnaire which consists of mostly close-ended questions is called quantitative questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of twenty six close-ended questions. The questionnaire was addressed to twenty five students in Interpreting course class B. The aim of using questionnaire was to gather general information about students’ point of views towards the implementation of ExeLSA and how they see the role of ExeLSA in their self-regulated learning. The results of the questionnaire helped the researcher to answer the first and second research questions. 2. Interview According to Gall, Gall, and Borg 2007, an interview consists of oral questions which are asked by the interviewer and oral responses which are given by interviewees. Basically, an interview is done by interviewing one participant at a time. However, now some researchers are interested in doing a group interview. In an interview, interviewees will answer questions using their own words and their answers will be recorded by the interviewer. Additionally, Seidman 1991 defines that as a research instrument, interview has some advantages. By using an interview, researchers can investigate for more details. Researchers also have the flexibility to explore more interesting and unexpected ideas which are given by research participants. The interview also gives high credibility and flexibility to research participants, since they are able to describe their feelings and opinions using their own words. In this research, the researcher used an unstructured interview. This interview was in an open situation. The researcher had more flexibility and freedom PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI