Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY

31 framework and findings which were obtained. It was presented to the thesis advisor to obtain constructive enhancement of the analysis. 32


This chapter presents and discusses the results of the research based on the research findings. It consists of two major points. Those are about the implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B and to what extent the learning materials provided in ExeLSA facilitate students’ self-regulated learning in the class.

A. The Implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting Class B

The following discussion presents the answers to the first research question, i.e. regarding the implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B. The discussion of the implementation of a teaching and learning process means talking about the whole process. Following McTighe Wiggins 2012, an instructional procedure can be summarized into three major components, namely goals identification, assessment, and implementation. To meet the purpose of the thesis, the three components will be subsequently presented under three sections, i.e., preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Thus, in this part the researcher presents the findings which are related to those three major parts. 1. Preparation Preparation becomes important since it is the first step in a teaching and learning process. Before implementing a learning, an educator needs to prepare several things such as learning materials, activities, and media. Based on the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 findings, there were three important points in the lecturer’s preparation. Those were purpose, plan, and orientation. a. Purpose Before implementing ExeLSA, the lecturer of Interpreting class B sought some information regarding the instructional purposes by considering students’ needs and some technical things. The lecturer stated that one of the purposes in using ExeLSA was the effectiveness of time. According to the lecturer’s experience, Interpreting course without using ExeLSA would be more complicated. It also needed much time. It was because the students could not access the materials at once. Therefore, the lecturer had to distribute the materials one by one to the students. She stated: Karena menurut saya sih jadi jauh lebih ribet karena pada saat itu saya harus mendistribusikan file yang video untuk latihan itu ke satu- satu, setiap mahasiswa satu, jadi mereka ngga.. ngga bisa langsung streaming at the same time, tapi harus dikasih satu-satu, gitu. For me, it was much more complicated because at that time I had to distribute the videos which would be used to practice to the students one by one. Therefore, they could not directly access the video once. This indicated that by using ExeLSA the lecturer could save time and manage it better. It was because she did not have to distribute the videos or other files to the students one by one, but asking the students to access it in ExeLSA at the same time. What she needed to do was only giving instructions to the students while they were accessing it. Moreover, she added that face-to-face learning in the class would not be enough for the students due to its time limitation. Since Interpreting course needed PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI