Conceptual Definition Operational Definition

r = In which: N = the number of respondent X = the student’s score in collocation knowledge Y = the student’s score in reading comprehension ΣX = the sum of collocation knowledge score ΣY = the sum of reading comprehension score ΣX 2 = the sum of squares of collocation knowledge score ΣY 2 = the sum of squares of reading comprehension score ΣX 2 = the squares of the sum of collocation knowledge score ΣY 2 = the squares of the sum of reading comprehension score ΣXY = the sum multiple of collocation knowledge score and reading comprehension score Then, the contribution of the independent variable x towards the dependent variable y was investigated through the determination coefficient r 2 as follows: 4 R = r 2 x 100 R = value of determinant coefficient r 2 = value of the squared correlation coefficient Moreover, after getting the r score, the significance between two variables was tested to know the correlation between variable X and variable Y. The formula of the significance test is: 5 t count = t o = t value 4 Subana, et al. Statistik Pendidikan, Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2000, p. 145. 5 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R D, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013, p. 187. r = value of correlation coefficient n = number of sample After getting the index score of r correlation, product moment r xy usually used the interpretation such as bellow. 6 Table 3.3 The Interpretation of Correlation The score of “r” product moment r xy Interpretation 0.00—0.19 There is a relationship between X and Y, but the correlation is very weak or little so it is ignored or it is considered no correlation in this rating. 0.20—0.39 There is a relationship between X and Y, but it is weak or little. 0.40—0.59 There is a relationship between X and Y. The value is medium. 0.60—0.79 There is high relationship between X and Y. 0.80—1.00 There is a very high relationship between X and Y.

G. Statistical Hypothesis

To know whether there is any significant correlation or not between X variable and Y variable, the statistical hypotheses were used as follows: 1. If r o r t = H a is accepted and H o is rejected. It means that there is a relationship between collocation knowledge and reading comprehension. 2. If r o r t = H a is rejected and H o is accepted. It means that there is a no relationship between collocation knowledge and reading comprehension. 6 Jonathan Sarwono, Op. cit., p. 150.

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