Definition of Reading Comprehension

d. Summarizing Students need to summarize of what they read using their own words by selecting the important ideas and choosing significant detailed from the text. Practice in summarizing a text may lead the students to improve their skill in understanding a reading text. e. Making Inferences Sometimes, many texts have unstated ideas which require the readers to construct the full meaning of the text. Therefore, in this strategy, students infer the meaning of what they read when the ideas of the text are not explicitly stated. Inferring the meaning of the text can be done by using information from the text and students’ existing schemata to fill in information. f. Dealing with Graphic Information Sometimes, a text consists of illustrations, graphs, maps, or diagrams. Students need to pay special attention to the graphic information because they often provide key points that students can use to support them in understanding the message of the text. g. Imaging When imaging, it is necessary for students to create mental pictures of the text. The imaging consists of graphically organizing key ideas of the text. Imaging can help students to visualize what they read so that they easily have fully understanding of the text. h. Monitoring Comprehension To achieve greater comprehension of texts, students need to monitor their comprehension by considering their desire to gain from a text and their understanding of the text. Students can monitor their comprehension by asking them some questions such as “Am I understand what the author is saying? What can I do to increase my understanding?” Students can reread the text to build meaning and they can use dictionary if they face unfamiliar words during the rereading.

B. Collocation 1. Definition of Collocation

When students learn a language, they also will learn the form of words of its language. All languages have different word formations that become a uniqueness of every language. However, many languages may have similar word formations, for instance, the combination of words which usually go together. Some linguists call the combination of words as ‘lexical phrases’ or ‘lexical items’, others prefer to call them ‘chunks’ of language. Meanwhile, the combination of words with words which usually go together has been called as collocation. Collocation is important and crucial in every language. Collocation can be found in many kinds of text, such as magazines, newspapers, andor educational texts. When people hear the word ‘collocation’, they may have different perspectives to define it because there is no single definition of collocation. The first definition of collocation was introduced by Firth, J.R. who defined collocation as ‘the company words keep’ which means the relationship of one word with other words. 19 The term of collocation is originally from the Latin verb ‘collocate’ that means ‘to set in orderto arrange’. Other definitions of the term of collocation have been defined by linguists in different ways. According to Palmer, collocation is a combination of two or more words which must be learned by analyzing its essential whole part of its component not pieced together. 20 In addition, Hunston added, the statistical tendency of pair of words which co-occur together can be defined as collocation. 21 For example, the word shed collocates with words garden, job, etc. When shed collocates with garden as garden shed, the word shed is a noun. In other case, it becomes a verb when it collocates with the word job as shed job. According to the 19 Michael Lewis, Teaching Collocations: Further Developments in the Lexical Approach, Boston: Language Teaching Publications, 2000, p. 48. 20 Graeme Kennedy, Amplifier Collocations in the British National Corpus: Implications for English Language Teaching , TESOL Quarterly, vol. 37 3, 2003, p. 468. Retrieved from https:www.jstor.orgstable3588400 . 21 Susan Hunston, Corpora in Applied Linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 12. definitions above, collocation is determined by structure and occurs in pattern which is considered from the statisticalfrequency-based perspective. On the other hand, other linguists defined the term of collocation from lexical point of view. Unlike statisticalfrequency-based definition of collocation, a lexical definition identifies collocation as a combination of two or more words that frequently occur in a language. 22 Michael Lewis pointed the words that to be considered as collocation, are not combined freely, but the words co-occur naturally. 23 In addition, the statements above are in line with McCarthy who argued that collocation is combination of words in a language which is closely associated each other in natural way, for instance, it is common to say she has got blonde hair rather than she has got yellow hair. 24 Although both of the sentences have similar meaning, learners are not suggested to collocate one word with other words as they wish. Since there are many words combinations that usually stick together, this does not mean that all co-occurring words can be considered as collocation. Then, there are no rules to combine words to be collocation, people usually determined the collocation by seeing the words that often stick together in common sense. In short, collocation consists two or more words that sound naturally for native language. From definitions above, it is worth noticed that there is no single definition of the word ‘collocation’. Since, there is no single meaning to describe what collocation is, the form of collocation is usually unclear for many EFL learners because sometimes the form of the words combination in target language have different meaning when it is translated into the native language. For example, the students may translate “membuat kesimpulan” from L1 into L2 “make a conclusion”. However, the words are not usual for native speakers because they usually use “draw a conclusion”, in which “membuat kesimpulan” as its definition in L1. Therefore, it is translated as “draw a conclusion” to make the words 22 Ronald Carter, Vocabulary Applied Linguistic Perspectives, 2 nd Ed., New York: Routledge, 1998, p. 51. 23 Michael Lewis, Op. cit., p. 132. 24 Michael McCharty and Felicity O’Dell, English Collocation in Use: Intermediate, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 4.

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