Population and Sample Technique of Data Collection

Aspect Item Indicator Item Number Total Item 2. Using collocation based on the context. Adjective + Noun 2, 11, 19 3 Adverb + Adjective 6, 14, 18 3 Verb + Adverb 3, 9, 17 3 Adverb + Verb 10, 13 2 Verb + Adjective + Noun 8, 12 2 TOTAL 20

E. Technique of Data Collection

This study employed two different tests for getting the data. The tests used in this study were collocation knowledge test and reading comprehension test. The tests were conducted to measure the students’ collocation knowledge and their reading comprehension. A multiple-choice test type was used in designing both tests and each test consisted of 20 items. The assessment guideline for assessing the tests was number of true score was divided by total number of the test and was multiplied by 100. In collecting the data, the first test conducted in this study was collocation test for collecting data of students’ collocation knowledge. Afterward, reading comprehension test was conducted for collecting data of students’ reading comprehension test.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

For analyzing the data, the study used a formula of Pearson Product- Moment Correlation. Pearson product-moment correlation can be used to analyze data which is collected from the result of the two variables measurement in interval scale. 2 The formula used for finding the number of correlation, as follows: 3 2 Jonathan Sarwono, Metode Penelitan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2006, p. 149. 3 Donald Ary, et al., Introduction to Research in Education 8 th Ed., Belmont: Wadsworth, 2006, p. 130. r = In which: N = the number of respondent X = the student’s score in collocation knowledge Y = the student’s score in reading comprehension ΣX = the sum of collocation knowledge score ΣY = the sum of reading comprehension score ΣX 2 = the sum of squares of collocation knowledge score ΣY 2 = the sum of squares of reading comprehension score ΣX 2 = the squares of the sum of collocation knowledge score ΣY 2 = the squares of the sum of reading comprehension score ΣXY = the sum multiple of collocation knowledge score and reading comprehension score Then, the contribution of the independent variable x towards the dependent variable y was investigated through the determination coefficient r 2 as follows: 4 R = r 2 x 100 R = value of determinant coefficient r 2 = value of the squared correlation coefficient Moreover, after getting the r score, the significance between two variables was tested to know the correlation between variable X and variable Y. The formula of the significance test is: 5 t count = t o = t value 4 Subana, et al. Statistik Pendidikan, Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2000, p. 145. 5 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R D, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013, p. 187. r = value of correlation coefficient n = number of sample After getting the index score of r correlation, product moment r xy usually used the interpretation such as bellow. 6 Table 3.3 The Interpretation of Correlation The score of “r” product moment r xy Interpretation 0.00—0.19 There is a relationship between X and Y, but the correlation is very weak or little so it is ignored or it is considered no correlation in this rating. 0.20—0.39 There is a relationship between X and Y, but it is weak or little. 0.40—0.59 There is a relationship between X and Y. The value is medium. 0.60—0.79 There is high relationship between X and Y. 0.80—1.00 There is a very high relationship between X and Y.

G. Statistical Hypothesis

To know whether there is any significant correlation or not between X variable and Y variable, the statistical hypotheses were used as follows: 1. If r o r t = H a is accepted and H o is rejected. It means that there is a relationship between collocation knowledge and reading comprehension. 2. If r o r t = H a is rejected and H o is accepted. It means that there is a no relationship between collocation knowledge and reading comprehension. 6 Jonathan Sarwono, Op. cit., p. 150. 31


A. Research Findings 1. Description of the Data

The research was conducted at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in which the fourth semester students of Department of English Education were involved as the participants of the research. There were two different tests conducted in this study; collocation knowledge test and reading comprehension test. The tests were conducted in order to get data of students’ collocation knowledge and their reading comprehension. The data was described as follows:

a. Collocation Knowledge Score

These are the score of collocation knowledge gotten from the collocation knowledge test conducted by the researcher. Table 4.1 The Collocation Knowledge Score of 4 th Semester Students of Department of English Education Participants Collocation Knowledge Score X Student 1 60 Student 2 70 Student 3 55 Student 4 80 Student 5 55 Student 6 65 Student 7 65 Student 8 70 Student 9 70 Student 10 45 Student 11 55 Student 12 60 Student 13 65

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