Focus of the Study Research Question Research Methodology

form in SL of Indonesian. Then in English becomes “a skillful young man” are adj + noun form. The phrases of TL replace the phrase of SL without changing the meaning of the message. For further analysis, the writer wants to do a research in the form of thesis entitled “The Translation Procedures from Bahasa Indonesia Into English “Karena Tidak Mengakui Kedua Orang Tua” by Ali Muakhir, Translated Into “Denying Parents” by Noviana Abdu

B. Focus of the Study

In this research, the writer focuses her study on the procedure of translation used by the translator. It can be analyzed from the word, phrases, or sentences in the short story of Karena Tidak Mengakui Orang Tua and translated Denying Parents by Noviana Abdu, whether it is used transposition, modulation, adaptation or other kind of translation procedure.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of the problems mentioned above, then the research questions are: 1. What the translation procedure are used in short story of Denying Parents? 2. How are equivalent meanings of translation between Indonesian and English in the short story?

D. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of the Study The objective of the study is to know the translation procedure and the equivalent meaning of translation between Indonesian version and English version in short story. Significance of this thesis will help the students enrich their knowledge about translation procedure especially for English Letters Department students. 2. Method of the Study In this research, the writer analyzes the data using Qualitative Method. It describes by comparing the source language text and the target language text based on Pet er Newmark‟s theory of translation procedure. The analysis will explain translation procedure and the meaning equivalent. 3. Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis on this research is the short story of Karena tidak mengakui orang tua by Ali Muakhir, and its translation Denying Parents translated by Noviana Abdu, published by PT Serambi Ilmu Semesta in 2008. 4. Research Instrument The instrument in this research is the writer herself as the main instrument by reading the short story and its translation, collecting the suitable data found, categorizing the data, and analyzing the data based on Peter Newmark‟s theory of translation procedure. 5. The Technique for Data Analysis The technique for data analysis is descriptive analysis technique. In this way, the writer reads the short story and compares to its translation, then the writer observed what the translation procedures are used in analyzing data. After that the writer categorizes the data based on each kind of translation procedure that is used. Finally, if there is any incorrect or misleading meaning in the translation, the writer looks up a reliable dictionary to find out whether the meaning is suitable or not. In Analyzing data, writer used Peter Newmark‟s theory of translation procedure.