The Setting and Subject of the Study Research Design



This chapter presents the methodological activities to know the effectiveness of teaching grammar through Contextual Teaching and Learning. This chapter concerns with the research design, research setting and subject, and research procedures.

A. The Setting and Subject of the Study

This research was conducted at SMK Kesehatan Bina Insan Cendekia Karawaci, Tangerang, at the second semester for the second grade 20122013. This research has done on March 2013. The researcher selected the second grade as the object of this study because this material consisted of the curriculum. This material is not too easy and not to difficult too, but many of students felt difficult to understand well about this, because of the rules which they have to know about pattern and the usage of V3. In this study, the writer has double roles. As the teacher, the writer gave explanation about material to the students and practiced the method to the class. As the collector and analyzer, analyze the data then reported the result. The aim of this research is to know the students‟ improvement in understanding about Passive Voice especially in Present and Past Tense by using Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL. It can help the teacher to find out the right method to teach the students.

B. Research Design

In this research, the writer used Action Research. Action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in the teaching-learning environment, to gather information about the ways in which their particular school operates, the teachers teach, and the students learn. 33 From that statement, the writer can be concluded that Action Research is a method which is used by the teacher, school or other environment to get students‟ understanding and draw up that the teachers teach and the students learn. Action research significantly contributes to the professional stance that teachers adopt because it is encouraged them to examine the dynamics of their classrooms, ponder the actions and interactions of students, validate and challenge existing practices, and take risk in the process. Classroom action research called CAR because the study focuses on a particular problem and a particular group of students in a certain classroom. According Wallace, CAR is a type of classroom research carried out by the teacher in order to solve problems or to find answers toward context-specific issues. 34 Classroom Action Research CAR is indicated as a process in which teachers investigate and learning to improve students‟ learning problems. 35 Action research is focused on individual or small group practice. Its tries to take an action and positive effects of educational in the specific school environment that students were studied. This research used Kurt Lewin‟s design to get some result. The design consists of two cycles in which each cycle contains four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. 33 L. R. Gay, Geoffrey E. Mills, and Peter Airasian, Educational Reseach, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc, 2006, p. 499. 34 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, p.5 35 Cheron Verster, , September 29 th , 2011. CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 Figure 3. 1 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design From the figure above, the writer, conclude that the students will face with two cycles to know their ability about the material, each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. If the students cannot catch the idea, we have to continue to the second cycle with the same procedure and aspects of the first cycle. Acting Acting Reflecting Reflecting Observing Planning Planning Observing

C. Research Procedures

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