The Technique of Data Analysis The Validity Data

observed the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This technique can be categorized as non-participant observation. 2. Interview is used to get the concept of the teacher used and the response of the students in teaching learning process. It can help the researcher to make a plan what she has to do in the next step and find out the way out to make students understand well. In the last session, interview can be used to know the teacher‟s assumption about the researcher‟s method in teaching the material. 3. Test is used to getting data of study result and students activities in teaching learning. In this study, the researcher used two kind of tests; pre- test and post-test. Pre-test is given before Action research CAR applied, from that the researcher can be known about the response of the material before used the method she used in the research. Post-test is given after Action Research CAR applied. For example, the first cycle is finish, the researcher gave the students post-test. In this research, the test is done in form of multiple choices. The tests are held at every second action of each cycle. 4. Questionnaire is given twice. First, is done before the implementation of Action research CAR, to know the response and understanding of students about passive voice and their teaching learning process. Second, is done after Action research CAR applied, to know the improvement of the students ‟ response and understanding of the material. 5. Field notes used to record detailed information about the teaching learning process using Contextual Teaching Learning in the classroom. It can be show the students‟ activity during the class, their attention, and others.

E. The Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer used analysis qualitative data for the observation of writer and stu dents‟ activities during teaching learning process. The writer will discuss about entire data collection in every observation from performing action research cycles analyzed descriptively by using percentage to see tendency that happened in learning activity. Here, she looked for the average of students‟ grammar score per action within one cycle to analyze numerical data, those are: First, did it to know how well students‟ score on grammar skill: X : mean x : individual score n : number of students Second, to know the class percentage that pass the KKM 60, the writer used as reference is according to Anas Sudjiono 2006, it is called by of relative frequency distribution whose formula as follows: 36 P : the class percentage F : total percentage score N: number of sample of students. Third, after the mean of students‟ scores per action is gained, the writer identified whether there is or no students‟ improvement scores on grammar from pre-test up to post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In identifying that, she uses the formula: 37 P = 100 1   y y y 36 Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta; PT Raja Grafindo Persada: 2006, p. 34. 37 David E. Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest Scores,Iowa: Department of Physic and Astronomy, 2008, p.3 n x X   P = f x100 N P : percentage of students‟ improvement y : pre-test result y 1 : post-test 1 P = 100 2   y y y P : percentage of students‟ improvement y : pre-test result y 2 : post-test 2

F. The Validity Data

To measure the quality of evaluating of the research, validity is a good way to used. So, the writer adopted from Anderson, Herr, and Nihlen‟s criteria that mention the validity of action research including democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, and dialogic validity. 38 In this study, the writer uses democratic, process, and dialogic validity. Anderson defines outcome validity as: Outcome validity requires that the action emerging from a particular study leads to the successful resolution of the problem that was being studied, that is, your study can be considered valid of you learn something that can be applied to the subsequent research cycle. 39 According the statement above, can be conclude that the validity can be shown from the result of the test. If the result of cycle two shows the improvement score from the first cycle, it means that the study is successful. 38 Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, Columbus: Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003, p. 84. 39 Ibid., p. 84. U - L D= N Process validity is “the validity that requires a study has been conducted in a “dependable” and “competent” manner.” 40 To analyze the examined test items, the writer put the credibility of the test. There are some phases including: 1. Discriminating Power The analysis of discriminating power of the te st is to know the students‟ achievement in understanding passive voice through contextual teaching learning. Discriminating power provides a more detailed analysis of the test items than does item difficulty, because it shows how the top scores and lower scores performed on each item. 41 The computing of discriminating power uses the formula as following: 42 In which, D : The index of discriminating power U : The number of pupils in the upper group who answered the item correctly L : The number of pupils in the lower group who answered the item correctly N : Number of pupils in each of the groups 40 Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, Columbus: Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003, p. 84 41 Kathleen M. Bailey, Learning about Language Assessment: Dillemas, Decisions, and Direction, London: Heinle Heinle Publisher, 1998, p. 135. 42 Wilmar Tambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1998, p. 139. Next, the discriminating scale used: 43 DP REMARKS 0.7 – 1.0 VERY GOOD 0.4 – 0.6 GOOD 0.1 – 0.3 OK – 0.2 BAD 2. Difficulty Item The difficulty item analysis is an analysis which comparing the students who answer the test correctly with all of the students who join the test. Item difficulty is how easy or difficult an item is form the viewpoint of the group of students or examinees taking the test of which that item is a part. 44 The formula as following: 45 R P = ── T In which, P : Index of difficulty R : The total number of students who selected the correct answer T : The total number of students including upper and lower group The criterion using as follows: 46 43 J. B. Heaton, Classroom Testing, New York: Longman Inc, 1990, p. 174. 44 John W. Oller, Language Test at School, London: Longman Group Limited, 1979, p. 246. 45 Norman E. Gronlund, Construction Achievement Test, New York: Prentice Hall, 1982, p. 102. 46 John W. Oller, Language Test at School, London: Longman Group Limited, 1979, p. 427 ID REMARK – 0.30 High 0.30 – 0.79 Medium 0.80 – 1.00 Low 42 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the result and discussion based on the data collected from the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL to develop students‟ understanding of passive voice of present and past tense at XI.VII Nurse class of SMK Kesehatan Bina Insan Cendekia Karawaci academic year 20122013. The discussion presented data description of cycle I, data description of cycle II, validity of data, data analysis, and the interpretation of analysis result.

A. Data Description

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