Interview Questionnaire Research Instruments


1. Participants of Research and Information Collecting

The participants for research and information collecting were all staffs of Bantul CBR they are 30 persons who need English to communicate with foreign donators. In selecting participants, the writer chose several member of each division using cluster sampling to provide information needed in order to collect data about lacks, necessities, and wants in the relation to learning speaking.

2. Participants of Product Evaluation

The writer chose two English lecturers of English Education Research Program of Sanata Dharma University and three English instructors of Lembaga Bahasa of Sanata Dharma University as the participants for product evaluation. As stated in the previous sub chapter, the reason to choose those participants was that they are competent in education especially in English Education. The information from the participants allows the writer to gain rich information to improve the designed materials.

D. Research Instruments

In order to obtain the data from the participants, the writer used two instruments in this research. There were interview and questionnaires.

1. Interview

The interview was done to gather some information. The writer used unstructured interviews that were conducted informally before designing the materials since it wa s needed to obtain additional information about the learners‘ needs and interests, objectives, topics, materials resources and evaluation. Unstructured interview was more flexible and informal Ary,, 1979: 175. It 45 was done as soon as the respondents answered the questionnaires. The information from the interviewees was crucial for revising and improving the proposed instructional material.

2. Questionnaire

In order to gain data from the research participants, the writer employed questionnaire as the instrument for research and information collecting and product evaluation. Questionnaire which was administered personally to groups of individuals have a number of advantages Best and Kahn, 1986. According Richard and Rodgers 2001:120, there are two types of questionnaires, namely ―open-response items‖ and ―selected-response items‖. In open-response items, the participants should give responses in their own word in form of writing; while in selected-response items, the participants should give responses by selecting answers from the provided or alternative answers. In this research the writer used the combination of open-response items and selected-response items. The writer used open-response items in the first part of the questionnaire to ask for bio data information, which was the information about the participants‘ background and individual characteristics. Besides open-response items, the writer also used selected-response items in the second part of the questionnaire. There were two questionnaires distributed to the participants. The first questionnaire was distributed before designing the materials in order to find out the research and information collecting. The writer distributed the first questionnaire in Bantul CBR‘s office. It was to gain the information about the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 participants‘ opinion about the available materials. The results of the distributed questionnaires were the basis of needs analysis in determining learners‘ necessities, lacks and wants. The second questionnaire was distributed after designing materials to collect data from the product evaluation participants in order to know the participants‘ opinion about the syllabus and the designed materials. This step was to gain improvement and revision from the participants.

E. Data Gathering Technique