Appearance The Description of Ava and Tanzie

18 Stereotypes can be used to deny individuals respect or legitimacy based on their membership in that group. 14 In Material Girls movie, the writer shows that there are some characteristics that owned by Ava dan Tanzie who play as two main characters in Material Girl movie, which is represented whole of the characters of white people there are: the stereotype, social life and characteristic.

B. The Description of Ava and Tanzie

In the Material Girl movie, the writer wants to show the stereotype, the social live, the individual and the characteristic of white skin that showed in Material Girl movie. Most Europeans identify themselves as white and occupy the same human physical characteristics. The most notable trait describing people who identify as white is light skin, thin hair, and narrow noses. People with lighter phenotypes tend to classify themselves and be classified by others in the white category. 15

1. Appearance

Actually, two main characters in Material Girls movie have a characteristic which is not different from white people but white people have physical matter that they have different than other people, we can see from the 14 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiStereotype 15 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiWhitepeopleAppearance accessed on 4-02-2010 19 hair, eye and skin complexion. In this topic the writer wants to explain step by step about the hair, eye and the skin. Generally, white girls have flaxen haired. In the Material Girl movie that director wants to show or describe the physical of the white girl in his movie especially in America, because in the play of the main characters are girls. For the detail, the writer shows the picture below. Picture 1 Tanzie gets a ring from her boy friend From the picture above, two major characters have different the hair style. We can see in those characters that hairs are flaxen haired but deferent fashion of the hair. They want their hair look good and different each others because live style is important for making their life more comfortable. Every people in this world have different skin, hair and eye. Asian have brown eyes but the writer do not do research for Asian people. 20 Actually, the writer wants to do research on white girls especially in America. In the Material Girls movie two the main characters Ava and Tanzie have beautiful royal blue eyes. Picture 2 Tanzie negotiates to policemen If we more intensive see to the picture above that Ava and Tanzie we can call them as blue-eyes girl. The major characters in this film have the beautiful blue-eyes that describe as white people in general. Commonly, many white people have beautiful blue-eyes. It means the major female characters describe white people and it can be seen from both of their eyes. In the movie of Material Girls the writer sees also that the two major characters have fair complexion skin color is a quantitative trait that varies continuously on a gradient from dark to light, white people are archetypically distinguished by light skin 16 . It is because they are American people. White people in American English also Caucasian, see White American a term which usually refers to human beings characterized, at least in part, by the 16 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiWhitepeople accessed on 20-06-2009 21 light pigmentation of their skin. Rather than a straightforward description of skin color, the term white also functions as a color terminology for race, often referring narrowly to people claiming ancestry exclusively from Europe. 17 Mostly in America there are many people have fair complexion. Base on the theory of representative that some groups or individual can represent a community or nation. So the writer concludes that Ava and Tanzie described as the character of white people especially in America because they fit the characteristic of white people. In film Material Girls the manager describes how whites to like to do treatment for their skin, like facials, pampers their body. In this films both of the figures pampers their face with masker. How the importance of facial for woman can be seen from scene which is describes them put masker of rose water with tea tree oil and avocados on their face. Pictures 3 and 4 Ava and Tanzie treatment body 17 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiWhite_people accessed on 30-09-2009 22 In other scene expressing them to like by doing to pamper their body that is saunas, it’s the function is limber up stiff body and represses their body that body and face they seen respects .

2. Social Life