A. Conclusion

After analyzing the story of The Material Girls movie the writer concludes that the two main characters Ava and Tanzie on the Materials Girls movie, the characters of Ava and Tanzie were presented as the major female characters. This movie narrates about the effort of life and life style white people in upper class. Their life full of heritage, they were rich, and have special treatment. Therefore white people in high class have different to others levels because they are the privileged people than upper middle class people. The character Ava and Tanzie described about white people of girls especially in America. These two main characters represent white people in general, whom they had represents as the white people in upper class. These are the material that is used to represent the white people in America, distinguishing white people in upper class from middle class as the representation of white people. Ava and Tanzie had same characteristic, they like shopping and going to night club. However her life was full of prestige and naïve because their life was much influenced by modern life style. their wealthy and their glamour life style which is the only certain people who have glamour life is called as jet set society, jet set society is recognized as special society, because they only don’t have much 37 38 money and power but usually they also have influence to their country. These actions are classified as representation.

B. Suggestion

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