The Representation Theoretical Framework

whether the players are multi-dimensional characters, skimpily developed characters, characters whose main purpose is to shed light on more important character. Characterization is the means by which writers present and reveal character. 3 Character creation is the art of characterization what the author does to bring a character to life, to provide the reader with a sense of that character’s personality, to make that character unique. Authors can characterize or develop a character directly or indirectly. In direct characterization, the narrator or a character summarizes or tells the reader what another character looks like or what kind of person he or she is. In indirect characterization, narrators and characters describe, with out comment, a character’s appearance or dress. In this way they suggest something about the character’s personality. A character’s repeated gesture or a facial tic, for example, may imply a character’s arrogance or nervousness. 4

2. The Representation

Stuart Hall, one of the founders of culture studies in Britain and a leading contributor to many of debates in cultural studies since the 1970s. Stuart Hall is a modern British communications researcher, his most famous study being his work on the Model of Communication. Hall believed that all texts any piece of media or art including aspects of video, audio or written information are embedded with meaning by the creator of such a text. The meaning is what the creator wants people to understand from the information- what the point of the piece is. The creator is titled the encoder. 5 3 Ibid. pp.54-55 4 Ibid. p. 95 5 Stuart Halls communication modelEverything2_com.htmWed Nov 15 2008 at 14:04:52 Stuart Hall has given many contributors in cultural studies. One of his theories is the representation. The representation is one of the key practices by which meaning are produced. There are three possible senses to the word ‘represent’. • To ‘represent’ meaning to stand in for, as in the case of the country’s flag, which when flown at a sporting event, for example. Signals that country’s presence at the event. The flag stands for symbolizes a nation, distinguishing France from China or Ireland from the USA. In Britain, the Royal Standard represents symbolizes the royal family and the institution of monarchy. • To ‘represent’ meaning to speak or act on behalf of, as in the sentence ‘A spokesperson on behalf lesbian mothers voiced the concerns of the group on television. ‘Members of parliament represents represent the concerns of their constituents. A person represents a group in this sense may also serve a symbolic function. • To ‘represent’ meaning to re-present. In this sense, a biography or historical writing re-represent the events of the past. Equally, a photograph re-represents a moment or event which has already occurred-it presents the occasion again. A photograph or painting can also, of course, represent someone or something in the sense of standing in for. Posters of rock stars, religious paintings and public statues all fulfill this function. 6 6 Giles, Judy and Tim, Middleton. Studying Culture. A Practical Introduction. Oxford Blackwell Publisher Ltd 1999.P.56-57.

3. The stereotype of white upper class female