The Resolution of Tris’s Journey

Kelly Griffith stated that there are four aspect which connected by the setting. Those are the physical, the time in which the action of a literary work takes place, the social environment of the characters, and atmosphere that can be describe as the effect of setting 40. There are many places that set up in story. First; Amity compound is one of the main settings in the story. Tris, Tobias, and others arrive at Amity after being on the run. Amity is represented by Johanna Reyes, she asks them to turn over any weapons, if there is conflict arise all involved parties will be asked to leave, and everyone who stays here must contribute to the welfare of this environment by working. during stay in Amity. The quotation following below. Marcus stops before an open room, where Johanna Reyes, representative of Amity, sits, staring out the window. I recognize her because it is hard to forget Johanna’s face, whether you’ve seen her once or a thousand times. She looks over Marcus’s shoulder, first at Tobias and Caleb, then at me, then at Peter. ―Oh my,‖ she says, her eyes lingering o n the blood soaking Peter’s shirt. ―I’ll send for a doctor. I can grant you all permission to stay the night, but tomorrow, our community must decide together. And‖—she eyes Tobias and me —―they will likely not be enthusiastic about a Dauntless presence in our compound. I of course ask you to turn over any weapons you might have.‖ Roth, 2012 : 9 ―We have arrived at the conclusion that we will establish our faction headquarters as a safe house for members of all factions,‖ she says, ―under a set of conditions. The first is that no weaponry of any kind is allowed on the compound. The second is that if any serious conflict arises, whether verbal or physical, all involved parties will be asked to leave. The third is that the conflict may not be discussed, even privately, within the confines of this compound. And the fourth is that everyone who stays here must contribute to the welfare of this environment by working. Roth, 2012 : 14 Second, suddenly Dauntless arrives to Amity that make a mess to looking for a Divergent. Tris and her friends escape from Dauntless forces and leave Amity faction by train and were met factionless man with the gun looks familiar. They try to fight Tris and her friend, but when Four says his real name is Tobias Eaton, they stop their attack because they have been looking for him. Then they allow Tris and friends to get to safe palce, it is factionless storehouse. ......... Behind him, someone else holds a large plank of wood with a nail sticking out of it. ―I’ve never seen the Amity armed before,‖ the factionless woman with the knife says The factionless man with the gun looks familiar. Tobias steps forward, so Edward’s gun is almost against his throat. ―My name is Tobias Eaton,‖ Tobias says. ―I don’t think you want to push me off this train.‖ The effect of the name on the people in the car is immediate and bewildering: they lower their weapons. They exchange meaningful looks. ―Eaton? Really?‖ Edward says, eyebrows raised. ―I have to admit, I did not see that coming.‖ He clears his throat. ―Fine, you can come. But when we get to the city, you’ve got to come with us.‖ Then he smiles a little. ―We know someone who’s been looking for you, Tobias Eaton.‖ We are in a factionless storehouse, and the factionless, who are supposed to be scattered, isolated, and without communit y … are together inside it. Are together, like a faction. Roth, 2012 : 35-36 The third setting is in Candor faction. The leader of Candor is Jack Kang. Candor faction is the faction that highly appreciates a honesty. Jack says that they have been accused of crimes against humanity. Because they are from Dauntless that have been destroyed Abnegation faction. But Four denies the charges so that Four decides to give evidence through they ready given truth serum and answering personal questions in front of everyone in the faction. Jack Kang, representative of Candor............ ―What are we accused of?‖ I interrupt him. ―He is accused of crimes against humanity. You are accused of being his accomplice.‖ ―Crimes against humanity?‖ Tobias finally sounds angry. He gives Jack a disgusted look. ―What?‖ ―We saw video footage of the attack. You were running the attack simulation,‖ says Jack. ―How could you have seen footage? We took the data,‖ says Tobias. ―You took one copy of the data. All the footage of the Dauntless compound recorded during the attack was also sent to other computers throughout the city,‖ says Jack. The truth will come out when you are both interrogated under the influence of truth serum.‖ Christina told me about truth serum once. She said the most difficult part of Candor initiation was being given truth serum and answering personal questions in front of everyone in the faction. I don’t need to search myself for my deepest, darkest secrets to know that truth serum is the last thing I want in my body. Roth, 2012 : 46-47 The last setting is in Erudite faction. When Tris submits herself to Erudite headquarters, Jeanine who wants to open secret box. Because only Tris as Divergent can open it. In Erudite place, Jeanine takes Tris to be scanned in an MRI machine and doing some tests of under simulation control to open secret box. The quotation following below. A large machine stands on the other side, with a man-sized tray coming out of it. I recognize it from my Faction Historytextbook, the unit on Erudite and medicine. An MRI machine. It will take pictures of my brain. Roth, 2012 : 109-110 ―All in good time,‖ she says. ―From your results I have determined that you are one of the strongest Divergent, which I say not to compliment you but to explain my purpose. If I am to develop a simulation that cannot be thwarted by the Divergent mind, I must study the strongest Divergent mind in order to shore up all weaknesses in the technology. Roth, 2012 : 109 From citation above, there are four places which Tris and friends have been staying. From the fourth places, each place there is conflict happend. It makes the atmosphere of storyline become strained.

3.7 The Ai ms of Tris’s Journey

The goals of Tris’s journey is reaveling the truth of the Divergent characterization who always become the dangerous character and has to destroy because it cannot under control of simulation. Therefore through a secret box which believed has a sensisitive important information reveals that there is a woman from outside the fence is a likely ancestor of Triss. It also reveals some important things about the time that we have someone among us who has a flexible and cure mind to end the isolation of factions that have been done, and the name that given those people is Divergent.