The Conflict of T

I shake my head. ―I have to go to Candor headquarters and find out what’s going on,‖ I say. ―I’m going crazy, not knowing.‖ I force a smile. ―But you should go. Susan needs you. She seems better, but she still needs you.‖ Candor headquarters is large enough to contain an entire world. Or so it seems to me. It is a wide cement building that overlooks what was once the river. The sign says MERC IS MART —it used to read ―Merchandise Mart,‖ but most people refer to it as the Merciless Mart, because the Candor are merciless, but honest. They seem to have embraced the nickname. Roth, 2012 : 44-45 ―We saw video footage of the attack. You were running the attack simulation,‖ says Jack. ―How could you have seen footage? We took the data,‖ says Tobias. ―You took one copy of the data. All the footage of the Dauntless compound recorded during the attack was also sent to other com puters throughout the city,‖ says Jack. The truth will come out when you are both interrogated under the influence of truth serum.‖ Christina told me about truth serum once. She said the most difficult part of Candor initiation was being given truth serum and answering personal questions in front of everyone in the faction. I don’t need to search myself for my deepest, darkest secrets to know that truth serum is the last thing I want in my body. Roth, 2012 : 46-47 The conflict of the story above describes that Tris wants to know the reason Jeanine as the ambitious leader who attacks Abnegation faction because she has stolen the sensitive important information that Abnegation has. She also faces some conflicts in some places. In Amity Tris and her friends try to escape from there because suddenly Dauntless and Erudite soldiers come to Amity and looking for Divergent. After they success to escape from there, Tris and her friends who were riding the train to the city which they think are secure, it turns out they meet factionless man who wants to fight them. But the fight is not long happen because factionless man know that there is Tobias Eaton that they long sought them, then Tris and friends get save place. But it is not stop here, because Tris thinks that she has to go to Candor. She wants to know what’s going on.

3.4 The Climax of Tris’s Journey

The next stage is climax, which is the turning point or a moment of greatest tension that fixes the outcome. According to Kennedy, climax is the turning point in which the action reaches its acme and one opposing force wins the other loses, in mystery or detective fiction the crime is solved 12. In this story, the climax is when Jeanine finds the secret box that can only be opened by someone who has divergent character that has five factions. Further Jeanine and her soldiers find and arrest all people who are categorized as divergent to make them under control of simulation, so that they can open the box. But the object of the experiment failed. Do not stop there, they are still looking for people who are detected as divergent in chicago through a message that they sent with doing under control of simulation. The quotation following below. ―Simulation,‖ she says. ―There’s a simulation. It’s not everyone, it’s just … just a few.‖ She puts her hands on her knees and takes deep breaths. ―One of them said something about the Divergent,‖ she says. ―Said that?‖ I say. ―While under a simulation?‖ She nods. ―Marlene. Didn’t sound like her, though. Too … monotone.‖ Roth, 2012 : 99 I have a message for the Divergent. I am Divergent. This is not a negotiation. No, it is not. It is a warning. I understand. Every two days until one of you delivers yourself to Erudite headquarters … I will. … this will happen again. It will never happen again. Roth, 2012 : 100 Seeing there are many victims, finally Tris decides to betray Tobias in a way and go to the Erudite headquarters, Jeanine. Tris sacrifices herself as a divergent so that no one else would have to die for material experiments that are conducted by jeanine to open the secret box that is believed to be contained important sensitive information. Could I do that? Could I stay here, fix things with him, let someone else die in my place? Looking up at him, I believ for a moment that I could. And then I see Will. The crease between his eyebrows. The empty, simulation-bound eyes. The slumpe body. But if I don’t go to Erudite, who will? Tobias?...... Roth, 2012 : 104 I walk to the end of the hallway and turn a corner. The corridor is lit by a paint-spattered emergency lamp that hangs over one of the exits. Christina isn’t wearing shoes; she curls her toes under to protect them from the cold. ―What is it?‖ she says. ―Are you going somewhere?‖ ―Yeah, I’m …‖ I have to lie, or she’ll try to stop me. ―I’m going to see my brother. He’s with the Abnegation, remember?‖ ―The timing of the simulation attack wasn’t random. The reason it happened when it did is because the Abnegation were about to do something —I don’t know what it was, but it had to do with some important information, and now Jeanine has that information….‖ Roth, 2012 : 105 Jeanine needs Tris because she is one of the strongest divergent. Jeanine tells to Tris that Tris tested into three different factions, Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. Jeanine does not explain her purpose why Tris will be executed. ―Even among the Divergent, you are somewhat of an oddity, because you have aptitude for three factions. Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite.‖ ―How …‖ My voice croaks. I push the question out. ―How do you know that?‖ ―All in good time,‖ she says. ―From your results I have determined that you are one of the strongest Divergent, which I say not to compliment you but to explain my purpose. If I am to develop a simulation that cannot be thwarted by the Divergent mind, I must study the strongest Divergent mind in order to shore up all weaknesses in the technology. Understand?‖ I don’t respond. I am still staring at the heart monitor next to the table. ―Therefore, for as long as possible, my fellow scientists and I will be studying you.‖ She smiles a little. ―And then, at the conclusion of my study, you will be executed.‖ I knew that. I knew it, so why do my knees feel weak, why is my stomach writhing, why? ―That execution will take place here.‖ She runs her fingertips over the table beneath her. ―On this table. I thought it would be interesting to show it to you.‖ Roth, 2012 : 109 Furthemore, Tris is scanned in an MRI machine, and it will take pictures of her brain. Tris wants to see the scan, no matter how many Jeanine gives restraints to her. But Jeanine does not approve the request Tris to see the scene, however she was forced Tris to cooperative. The quotation following below. A large machine stands on the other side, with a man-sized tray coming out of it. I recognize it from my Faction Historytextbook, the unit on Erudite and medicine. An MRI machine. It will take pictures of my brain. Roth, 2012 : 109-110 ―Let’s make a deal,‖ I say. ―If I cooperate, I get to see the scan.‖ ―You will cooperate whether you want to or not.‖ I hold up a finger. ―That’s not true.‖ I look at the mirror. It’s not so difficult to pretend that I’m speaking to Jeanine when I speak to my own reflection. My hair is blond like hers; we are both pale and stern-looking. The thought is so disturbing to me that I lose my train of thought for a few seconds, and instead stand with my finger in the air in silence. I am pale-skinned, pale-haired, and cold. I am curious about the pictures of my brain. I am like Jeanine. And I can either despise it, attack it, eradicate it … or I can use it. ―That’s not true,‖ I repeat. ―No matter how many restraints you use, you can’t keep me as still as I need to be for the pictures to be clear.‖ I clear my throat. ―I want to see the scans. You’re going to kill me anyway, so does it really matter how much I know about my own brain before you do?‖ Silence. ―Why do you want to see them so badly?‖ she says. ―Surely you, of all people, understand. I have equal aptitude for Erudite as I do for Dauntless and Abnegation, after all.‖ ―All right. You can see them. Lie down.‖ Roth, 2012 : 110

3.5 The Resolution of Tris’s Journey

The last stage of plot is resolution, which is the cooling down process during the reading the novel, this stage contains the result of the problem. Kennedy states that resolution is the author shows the result of whatever was decided or revealed at the climax before 12. Tris says she just wants to know the truth, so she decides to get some more information and find out the truth of the secret information that reveals who is Divergent character and the reason of Erudite would attacks Abnegation faction was to steal some sensitive information. ―Maybe you’re right,‖ I say, ―but shouldn’t we find out what’s going on? Just to be sure?‖ ―I think it’s more important that we