Definition of Key Term Literary Review

character looks like, while showing a character is more complex than telling because the author try to show the character by its way to behave and think. The author tries to get the reader’s response to judge the character’s trait, it is good or bad, or maybe the character has other traits by showing the character’s way of behave and think in some condition 134. Similar with Gill’s theory of telling and showing, Griffith also stated theory that can be used to analyze the character and characterization of a literary work. It is called as direct and indirect method. While in the direct method the author only describes the appearance of the character, what the character is like, in the indirect method the author describes the character through what they say, thought, speech, and act 33-34.

2.1.4 Setting

Setting is usually called the point of a novel by many readers because it is depicted where or when the scene of the story is being told. It can also be the important thing of a literary work. The author has to make the setting clear so the reader will not be confused by the scene changing. Kelly Griffith stated that there are four aspect which connected by the setting. Those are the physical, the time in which the action of a literary work takes place, the social environment of the characters, and atmosphere that can be describe as the effect of setting 40. By looking at the description, a conclusion can be shown that setting can not work alone because it usually appears to reflect other elements of a literary work. Setting can reflect the mood of character or it can also reveal how the situation and how the personality of character 149. In accordance with Robert DiYanni’s statement that setting is essential to meaning. It provides a historical and cultural context that enhances the understanding of characters 61. He also stated that setting is an important dimension of meaning since it reflects character and embodies theme. Setting is important for an additional reason: it symbolizes the emotional state of the character 62.

2.2 Literary Review

In order to enlarge the knowledge about this study, the writer reviewed the previous study which has relation with this study in some aspects. The first paper is Sarah E. Griffith in her graduating from Mount Saint Vincent University 2015, entitled ―Dauntless in the Face of Adversity: The Politics of Hope in Veronica Roth’s Divergent Trilogy‖. This paper is closely examine the themes, plot features, and character arcs in the Divergent Trilogy by drawing on a number of theoretical frameworks to explore five principles of a young adult critical dystopia to determine the final measure of hope. This paper discusses about Tris’s journey of self-discovery through forsakes her Abnegation family for Dauntless, as described on Divergent trilogy novel. This paper also talks about the journey of Tris to sacrifice herself to save the city from isolated wall. The second literary review is a b ook review of ―Insurgent Brandishes a Tougher Shailene Woodley‖ by Manohla Dargis, published March 19, 2015. This review is comparing the classify of faction system in which, like Harry Potter and his wizardly kin, they choose their group for life. The third literary review is from Thea with her book review of Insurgent, 2012. This review focuses on how mutiny has done by main character, Tris in warfare to try revive all of faction people who influenced serum injection in order to do not kill other people. The last paper is from Margaret Hutapea in her graduating from University of Sumatra Utara 2015 entitled ―The Negative Ideas Found In Veronica Roth’s Novel Insurgent‖. This paper tells about Tris’ struggle to safe keeping the future secret box of the world and that caused part of every single one did the negative idea to steal that box. This paper aims to explains about the negative idea that have been played of the characters in the novel. The similarities of those literary reviews and this study are analyzed about Tris’s character. Also using the same novel, that is Insurgent. The differences between them are this study will analyze on Tris’s journey in revealing the truth of Divergent characterization. That is all the similarities and differences between this study and three literary reviews. CHAPTER III AN ANALYSIS OF TRIS’ JOURNEY TO REVEAL THE TRUTH OF DIVERGENT CHARACTERIZATION IN VERONICA ROTH’S INSURGENT NOVEL: A NEW CRITICISM STUDY

3.1 Flashback From First Book Of Roth’s Trilogy, Divergent Novel

Insurgent is one of the trilogy of novels Veronica Roth. Before the writer analyzes about the journey of the main character, Tris, the writer explains the first book of Roths trilogy, it is Divergent novel. It is said that in the future, after the world war were enormous, the Chicago community is divided not by ideology or a certain understanding, but divided because of human nature. In this case human nature is divided into five, namely abnegation, amity, Dauntless, Candor, and Erudite. The difference reflects the different nature of the characters possessed of each by of the human nature. Basic human traits that form them into factions in society. Each faction has a function and different roles in society are mutually complementary. ―Decades ago our ancestors realized that it is not political ideology, religious belief, race, or nationalism that is to blame for a warring world. Rather, they determined that it was the fault of human personality – of humankind’s inclination toward evil, in whatever form that is. They divided into factions that sought to eradicate those qualities they believed responsible for the world’s disarray. … ―Those who blamed aggression formed Amity‖ ―Those who blamed ignorance became the Erudite‖ ―Those who blamed duplicity created Candor‖ ―Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation‖ ―And those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless‖ Roth, 2011: 42-43. Factions that have basic properties helper, avoiding selfishness and selfless work that run the government. Being a leader who acts as the waiter selfless community is Abnegation faction. Factions that have basic properties Courageous role in society as a Security Guard faction called the Dauntless. Erudite faction has an educative nature, learners, appreciate science for progress to be teachers, researchers, journalists, etc. But in this faction selfishness or selflessness allowed. Loving pacifist factions participate more in the direction of the agricultural work and art. That faction is Amity, they are supplying foodstuffs to other factions. And faction Abnegation, runs the government handing out food to the non-faction factionless who live stranded without factions, families can help them live in the world. There is also a faction that promotes fairness. Honesty above all else. This faction is acting as law enforcement as a judge. They really appreciate the openness, transparency, even overly transparent so that between them there was no secret to the things that are privacy though, is a faction of Candor. Every child who has reached the age of sixteen must take the test or the test of their basic properties. ―Our dependents are now sixteen, they stand on the precipice of adulthood, and it is now up to them to decide what kind of people they will be’‖ Roth, 2011: 42. And heres where the story begins when the known results of tests of Beatrice could not fit into one of the basic human nature that pertained five factions above. Breatrice has all the basic properties of various factions. And thats why the figure of Beatrice is in very dangerous position if it is known by the leaders of the factions. Beatrice is a threat to the sustainability of the community because she is uncontrollable. Beatrice becomes special because it can regulate the course of the simulation of mind, and serum to control the mind does not work against the Divergent. The following statement will depict an image of how the simulation is applied to Beatrice. ―In the center of the room is a reclined chair, like a dentist’s, with a machine next to it. It looks like a place where terrible things happen. … She stands behind me. I squeeze the armrests so tightly the redness pulls away from my knuckles. She tugs wires toward her, attaching them to me, to her, to the machine behind her. Then she passes me a vial of clear liquid. ―Drink this,‖ she says. ―What is it?‖ My throat feels swollen. I swallow hard. ―What’s going to happen?‖ ―Can’t tell you that. Just trust me.‖ I press air from my lungs and tip the contents of the vial into my mouth. My eyes close‖ Roth, 2011: 11-13. The journey of the main character, Beatrice or Tris as her nickname started when at the age of sixteen will face Ability Test Aptitude Test and Ceremony Election Choosing Ceremony for selecting one of the factions according to their identity. Tris, who was born in faction Abnegation has the urge to leave the native way of life faction because she felt she could not really sincerely become a Abnegation. When finally she will choose another faction, it would also mean leaving her parents and her brother, Caleb. S he decides to join the ―Dauntless‖ or the Brave faction has to hide her identity as ―Divergent‖ in order to make her life safe. The following statement shows Tris chooses ―Dauntless‖. ―Marcus as the leader of Abnegation faction offers me my knife…He nods, and I turn toward the bowls. Dauntless fire and Abnegation stones are both on my left…I hold the knife in my right hand and touch the blade to my palm. Gritting my teeth, I drag the blade down. It stings, but barely notice. I hold both hands to my chest, and next breath shudders on the way out. I open my eyes and thrust my arm out. My blood drips onto the carpet between the two bowls. Then, with a gasp I can’t contain, I shift my hand forward, and my blood sizzles on the coals. I am selfish. I am brave‖ Roth, 2011: 47. From the citation story of Divergent novel above, the writer is interested in Divergent character which is a threat to the city because can not be controlled with a serum which the serum is under the control of the rulers of the Erudite and Dauntless who leaded by Jeanine. She wants to to take control of their minds. Writer wants to know Tris effort to reveal the truth about the nature of Divergent. To answer the effort of Tris to reveal truth of the character Divergent, Tris through many trips to reveal the different character, Divergent. Therefore the writer uses the New Criticism Study namely Plot and character to analyze this study.

3.2 The Exposition of T

ris’s Journey Exposition is the opening portion that sets the scene, introduces the main character, tells us what happens before the story is opened, and provides any other information that we need in order to understand and care about events to follow Kennedy 12. Insurgent begins when Tris wakes up from the nightmare that still remember the scene when she had killed her close friend Will, who is still in a state under the control and influence of the simulation. Tris tries to stop Will that wants to kill her, but she could not revive him so that she has to kill Will be forced. ―I WAKE WITH his name in my mouth. Will. Before I open my eyes, I watch him crumple to the pavement again. Dead. My doing. Tobias crouches in front of me, his hand on my left shoulder. The train car bumps over the rails, and Marcus, Peter, and Caleb stand by the doorway. I take a deep breath and hold it in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure that is building in my chest. An hour ago, nothing that happened felt real to me. Now it does. ‖ Roth, 2012 : 8