3. Techniques of data collection The researcher collected the data by using: a. Observation The data was collected by making a note of the circumstances happened during the teaching learning process in the classroom. b. Interview The interview was held by recording the interviewee. The teacher and the students will be interviewed before, during, and after the action. To do this, the researcher will use interview guidelines. c. Reading Comprehension Test To support the qualitative data, the researcher also took the quantitative data. The quantitative data were in the form of students’ reading comprehension test scores. The tests were conducted before pre-test and after the action post-test.

D. Validity and Reliability

According to Anderson et al. in Burns 1999: 161, there are some criteria of validity needed in an action research study to get valid data. Those are democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity and dialogic validity. 1. Democratic validity It can be fulfilled by having discussion with the collaborators and by doing interviews and observations. The discussion will be done during the research. The researcher and the collaborator, the English teacher, will try to find the problems, and the possible solutions to cope with the problems by choosing the actions to be applied. 2. Outcome Validity Outcome validity is related to the notion of actions leading to the result that are successful within the research context. If there is significance improvements during the actions implemented from the beginning to the end, it can be said that the research is successful. 3. Process validity The process validity is related to process of conducting the research. To gain the process validity, the researcher will collect the data by doing classroom observations, students and teacher interviews and field notes. 4. Catalytic validity Catalytic validity is achieved by recounting changes in teacher and learners understanding of the role and the action taken as a result of these changes, and by monitoring other participants perceptions of problems in the research setting. The research allows all the participants to deepen their understanding of the social relatives of the context. 5. Dialogic validity The researcher can fulfill the dialogic validity by discussing the research findings with the collaborator. It involves all members of the discussion such as the researcher, the collaborator, and the subject of the research. Any useful suggestion to improve the quality of the actions of the research from the parties should be considered. To show the reliability, the researcher will use triangulation. Triangulation aims at gathering multiple perspectives on the situation being studied. The research will use triangulation as follows: a. Time The researcher used two cycles in order to get set a sense of what factors are involved in change processes. b. Investigator The researcher investigated the result not only by himself, but also by the teacher as the collaborator. It will be done to avoid bias or subjective observations.

E. Research Procedures