Validity and Reliability RESEARCH METHODS

The process validity is related to process of conducting the research. To gain the process validity, the researcher will collect the data by doing classroom observations, students and teacher interviews and field notes. 4. Catalytic validity Catalytic validity is achieved by recounting changes in teacher and learners understanding of the role and the action taken as a result of these changes, and by monitoring other participants perceptions of problems in the research setting. The research allows all the participants to deepen their understanding of the social relatives of the context. 5. Dialogic validity The researcher can fulfill the dialogic validity by discussing the research findings with the collaborator. It involves all members of the discussion such as the researcher, the collaborator, and the subject of the research. Any useful suggestion to improve the quality of the actions of the research from the parties should be considered. To show the reliability, the researcher will use triangulation. Triangulation aims at gathering multiple perspectives on the situation being studied. The research will use triangulation as follows: a. Time The researcher used two cycles in order to get set a sense of what factors are involved in change processes. b. Investigator The researcher investigated the result not only by himself, but also by the teacher as the collaborator. It will be done to avoid bias or subjective observations.

E. Research Procedures

The procedures of the research referred to the steps suggested by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart 1988 in Burns 1999:32 that are consist of one cycle of the steps: 1. Planning In this phase, the researcher identified problems or issues and develop a plan of action in order to bring improvements in a specific area of the research context. After finding the problem in 8C through observation, interview and discussion, the researcher and the collaborator planned the action to solve the problem. 2. Action and Observation After planning the actions, the actions was implemented in the classroom. The researcher was teaching the class while the English teacher was observing the atmosphere in the classroom during the process. 3. Reflection At the end of the cycle, there was a reflection to know that the actions worked well. Then, the researcher also conducted a post-test in the end of the last cycle to check whether the actions were successful or not.