Reflection Report of Cycle 1

P : Terus, kalo yang bagan tebak kata itu menurut kalian gimana? S : Lumayan asyik kok pak, jadi gk harus liat kamus terus, soalnya bisa menebak artinya, walau kadang masih salah. Jadi lebih yakin buat nebaknya pak,kalo udah tau caranya gitu. P : Then, based on your opinion, how about the guessing meaning table ? S : It was quite interesting sir, we do not need to open the dictionary because we could guess the meaning, although sometimes we still made mistakes. It made me more confident to guess after knowing how to guess it. Interview 4 Despite that problem, the students gave good comments about the mind mapping technique. The students said that the strategy helped them to understand the narrative text. They were able to visualize the story through paid attention to mind mapping bubbles. P : Gampang eggak ngisinya? S : Masih lumayan bingung ,tapi lama-kelamaan bisa kok pak. P : Masih bingung dibagian mananya? S : Dinulisnya pak, kan pake kata-kata sendiri, sebenarnya udah dong ceritanya tapi masih bingung nulisnya dalam kalimat inggris. R : Is it easy to complete the bubble ? S : I still got quite confused, but it would be better later. R : In what point that still made you confused? S : In how to write it, since it used our own words, actually I understood the story but it was confusing to write it in the form of English sentences. Interview 4 The students had already felt the benefit of using Mind Mapping technique as their strategy to comprehend the text. They felt more confident to guess the meaning of the words through guessing meaning column. They could also visualize the story by following the plots of the bubble. However, since it was new for them, they had difficulty in completing the bubble. In guessing meaning, they still guessed it incorrectly because they did not see the context of the story. Moreover, they also had difficulty to complete the bubbles in English since it was difficult to translate their idea in English. P : Lha bagannya itu gimana, bikin tambah dong apa malah blong ? S : Dong sih pak, jadi lebih mudah memahami ceritanya karena dari bagan udah keliatan mana tokoh, setting, dan jalan certanya. R : How about the table, did it help you to understand or make you more complicated? S : It was helpful,Sir. It made us easily to understand the story because we could see the character, setting, and the plots in the table. Interview 5

C. Report of Cycle II

1. Planning

Considering the reflection of Cycle I, the researcher discussed it with the collaborator. It was determined that Cycle II still focused on the same problems found in Cycle I. the researcher decided to implement the same activities with the hope that the teaching and learning process could be more enjoyable and meaningful and the students’ reading comprehension ability significantly improved. The Cycle II was also organized in three meetings. The first meeting would be the teaching modeling, the second meeting would be the guided practice and the third would be the independent practice. It was looked same as the previous cycle, but there would be some modifications in the actions of Cycle II. Based on the discussion with the collaborator, the researcher decided to use narrative texts too in this Cycle. This decision was taken because the students still had difficulty in applying Mind Mapping technique in reading narrative texts. The English teacher as the collaborator suggested to use narrative texts in this cycle too. He gave the suggestion because the students mostly got difficult in narrative text since it was usually a long type text compared to the others. Then, considering the students’ complain in Cycle I in completing the column, the researcher planned to use simple Mind Mapping. The students had no need to complete it in a whole sentence but only write down the main words. In Cycle I, the students complained that it was difficult to translate their ideas in English. It hindered them to use Mind Mapping effectively.

2. Actions and Observation

The Cycle II was also conducted in three meetings. The first meeting was the teacher modeling, the second meeting was the guided practice and the third meeting was the independent practice. In the first meeting, the researcher introduced the modification of the actions, included the vocabulary quiz and the new technique on completing the Mind Mapping bubble. The students started to share and discuss their sketch in the second meeting. In the third meeting, the students completely used Mind Mapping by themselves to do some task related to the provided text. a. Meeting 1 The first meeting of Cycle II was held on 18 th March, 2014. The researcher began the lesson by letting the students to share their opinion. Most of them had positive comments about the actions in Cycle I. the only complain was about the event bubble. They still had difficulty to complete it. After reviewing the previous narrative text, the researcher introduced a new narrative text entitled “Smart Monkey and Dull Crocodile”. The researcher asked the students randomly to read it. While reading the text, they also completed the guessing meaning task. When they found the words on the provided table in the text, the researcher asked them to guess the meaning. The students’ participation in the lesson was increased. It was shown by the increasing number of the students who participated in answering the questions voluntarily. They looked more confident with their answers. After they all write down their guess, the researcher showed the dictionary meaning of the words in slide show.