Geraldine’s Trauma ANALYSIS


B. Implications

Just Another Kid novel is an autobiographical novel. Every event narrated in the story is factual. As the story is factual, the characters are also based on real people; Geraldine is a real person. What portrayed throughout the chapters are what really happened when she was in Hayden‟s class; her outburst angers, deviant behavior s, and disorders are all factual. Geraldine‟s story implies that it is essential to be aware of children‟s psychological condition and mental disorder. Trauma and mental disorder can be developed by anyone. However, an early identification of them helps the best for the recovery. If Geraldine‟s trauma is identified earlier, it might not be developed into a posttraumatic stress disorder. Geraldine has been unable to cope with the trauma for too long. It burdens her and makes her develop PTSD. It is vital for parents, closely relatives, and teachers to be aware of children‟s psychological condition. Children‟s unbalanced temperament may indicate problems in children‟s psychological condition. Moreover, in the epilogue of the story, Hayden states that Geraldine had been in the special class without noticeable improvement for several years. Hayden states that Geraldine has grown very difficult to control. Her mental disorder has not been recovered yet. It is vital to be aware of children‟s psychological condition especially when they ever experienced traumatic event. The researcher learns many things along the study process. Children with unbalanced temperament might develop something more than just a childhood nagging. They might develop a trauma especially when the children ever experience tragic or PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 unpleasant events in the past. Thus, it is essential to increase awareness of children‟s psychological condition and mental disorder. In the teaching world, not all students are in a good psychological condition as well. Teachers need to be aware of this kind of condition. However, psychological condition is hardly noticed. Geraldine is the factual example. She suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder while she looks like a common child. Thus, the researcher implies that Just Another Kid novel and this study can be a reference for teachers to increase awareness of children‟s psychological condition.

C. Suggestions

The researcher suggests future researchers to analyze the novel by taking other perspectives than psychological perspective. The researcher identifies that most of Torey Hayden‟s novel are analyzed psychologically. However, the literary work written by Hayden may also be analyzed in other perspectives, i.e. the literary aspects of the novels can be analyzed. The researcher observes that autobiographical novel tends to have an unpredictable plot. Since the work is based on the factual event, the story telling within non-fiction may be compiled without clear information about time. Thus, it may be interesting and challenging to do a study about the plot in this novel. In addition, the future researcher may conduct research on the therapy method for Geraldine‟s posttraumatic stress disorder. The research will complete the study of Geraldine‟s posttraumatic stress disorder. It will also be a 61 considerable help for parents and teachers whose kids or students have developed similar state to Geraldine‟s. 62 REFERENCES Abrams, M. H. 1985. A glossary of literary terms 6 th ed.. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. American Psychiatric Association. 2013. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 5 th ed.. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. Barry, P. 2002. Beginning theory: An introduction to literary and cultural theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Berry, D. 2007. Health psychology series S. Payne and S. Horn, Ed.. New York: Open University Press. Brooks, C., Warren, R. P. 1960. The scope of fiction. New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts Educational Division of Meredith Corporation. Bruney, G. 2012. The teacher-student relationship: The importance of developing trust and fostering emotional intelligence in the classroom. Retrieved March 14, 2016, from: https:tspace.library.utoronto.cabitstream1807350961Glenda20MTRP 20Complete.pdf Daiches, D. 1981. Critical approaches to literature 2 nd ed.. New York: Longman. Everly, G. S. Jr., Lating J. M. 2004. Personality - guided therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder T. Millon, Ed.. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Feist, J., Feist, G. J. 2006. Theories of personaliities 6 th ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Gill, R. T. 1995. Mastering English literature 2 nd ed.. Houndmills: Macmilan Publishers. Giller, E. 1999, May. What is psychological trauma. Retrieved March 14, 2016, from: www.sidran.orgresourcesfor-survivors-and-loved-oneswhat-is- psychological-trauma Guerin, W. F., Labor, E., Morgan, L., Willingham, J.R. 2011. A handbook of critical approaches to literature 6 th ed.. New York: Oxford University Press. 63 Hamalian, L., Karl, F. R. 1978. The shape of fiction: British and American short stories. New York: McGraw - Hill Book Company. Harvey, J. H. 2002. Perspectives on loss and trauma: Assaults on the self. London: SAGE Publications. Hayden, T. 2006. Just another kid. London: HarperCollins Publisher. Hayden, T. n.d.. Torey hayden. Retrieved November 14, 2015, from: Henkle, R. B. 1977. Reading the novel: An introduction to the techniques of interpreting fiction. New York: Harper Row Publishers. Isenhart, M. W., Spangle, M. 2000. Collaborative approaches to resolving conflict. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Knellwolf, C., Norris, C. 2008. The Cambridge history of literary criticism: Twentieth century historical, philosophical and psychological perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Meredith, R. C., Fitzgerald, J. D. 1972. Structuring your novel: From basic idea to finished manuscript. New York: Barnes Noble Books. Murphy, M. J. 1972. Understanding unseens: An introduction to English poetry and the English novels for overseas students. London: George Allen and Unwin. National Alliance of Mental Illness. 2016. What is mental illness: Mental illness facts. In About Mental Illness section. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from: http:www2.nami.orgPrinterTemplate.cfm?Section=About_Mental_Illness Template=ContentManagementHTMLDisplay.cfmContentID=80734 Parritz, R. H., Troy, M. F. 2011. Disorders of childhood: Development and psychopathology. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning. Rohrberger, M., Woods, S. H. Jr. 1971. Reading and writing about literature. New York: Random House. Schoonderwoerd, N., Laar, E. V. D. 1969. An approach to English literature. Brooklyn: L. C. G Malmberg. Scott, M. J., Stradling, S. G. 2001. Counselling for post - traumatic disorder 2 nd ed.. London: SAGE Publications. Zed, M. 2004. Metode penelitian kepustakaan. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI