Teaching Writing Skill to Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School

One of the most important concerns of the secondary school teacher is to keep self-esteem high by: 1. avoiding embarrassment of students at all costs, 2. affirming each person’s talents and strengths, 3. allowing mistakes and other errors to be accepted, 4. de-emphasizing competition between classmates, and 5. encouraging small-group work where risks can be taken more easily by a teen. Many experts agree that the central problem that occurs in adolescence is the search for personal identity. This becomes a problem that actually deserves more attention in this stage. Teenage students are often disruptive in the classroom. They more often feel bored quickly Harmer, 2007: 39. What have to believe by the teacher is how to overcome the problem that arise depending on their individual differences and to arise their motivation.

b. Teaching Writing Skill to Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School

Based on the school-based curriculum that is developed by BSNP 2006, the target of the English subject in junior high school is that the students must have the following capabilities: 1 developing communicative competence in oral and written form to achieve functional literacy level, 2 having awareness of the nature and importance of English language to enhance national competitiveness in a global, and 3 developing and understanding of the relationship between language cultures. A school based curriculum is a curriculum proposed by the government as the guide in the teaching and learning process as written in UU 202003 and PP 192005. A school based curriculum is developed according to the condition of educational institution, potential and the characteristic of the area, and the social culture of the local society and students. Related to school-based curriculum, National Education Department has proposed standard competency and basic competency for every subject that are written in Kepmendiknas No. 222006, which is used as a guide for the teachers in developing the school-based curriculum in every school. The teaching of writing in junior high school should also be based on the basic competency and standard competency as stated in the standard of graduation competency and by looking at the competency of writing; the teachers are also able to know the scope of writing materials that will be taught to the students. One of the aspects of English in junior high schools is the ability to understand, and to create various short functional texts, monologues, and essays in the form of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. Related to this, the curriculum in SMPN 2 Playen is developed based on the School- Based Curriculum SBC. The Standard of Competencies and Basic Competencies SK KD in this school is also derived from the Standard of Content which is released by the National Ministry of Education. Table 2: Standard of Competency and Basic Competency for Grade VII of Junior High School Standard of Competency Basic Competency Writing 12.Expressing meanings through very simple functional written texts and short essays in the form of descriptive and procedure texts to interact with the surroundings. 12.1 Expressing meanings through very simple functional written texts accurately, fluently, and appropriately to interact with the surroundings. 12.2 Expressing meanings and rhetorical steps in very simple short essays in written work accurately, fluently, and appropriately to interact with the surroundings in the form of descriptive and procedure texts.

4. Cooperative Learning a. The Definition of Cooperative Learning