confidence building, increased motivation, increased enjoyment of writing Slavin, 1995.

B. Related Studies

Cooperative learning is a learning method which is based on theory, research and practice in education. In the last decades cooperative learning has become a widely used technique from preschool to graduate school levels in all subject fields in every subject. Cooperative learning is a learning strategy in which pairs or groups of students work together and learn from each other. The students also learn and develop their academic and social skills working in a positive atmosphere. The study about teachers’ and students’ verbal behaviors during cooperative learning that was participated by thirty teachers from grade 4 to 6 and 208 students was conducted by Gillies 2008: 249-251 in seven elementary schools in Brisbane Australia. This study showed that when students in cooperative groups where teachers use more facilitative, learning behaviors, they too are more helpful and facilitative of each other’s learning than students who work in groups where cooperative learning is not widely endorsed. Another study on Cooperative Learning was conducted by Iyer 2013: 24. The result of the study promotes cooperative learning as a tool to the educators to incorporate values in providing quality education. To achieve the full benefit of this tool, the teacher should be in tune with the learning needs of students. Grouping the students is also very crucial to encourage better problem solving abilities among students and also to reduce group conflicts. Educators can use their understanding of cooperative learning and utilize this tool effectively in the class to promote student achievement. Lastly, through the research entitled Effect of Computer-Based Cooperative Learning Method on Students’ Achievement in English Grammar, Akuka et al. 2013: 26-27 reports that this method improved significantly as compared to those taught using the traditional method. This means therefore the use of this method had an impact on students’ performance since it helped to improve their achievement in English grammar.

C. Conceptual Framework