Wishes or Desires The Strategy of Speaker-Based Conditions in Request Speech Act

speaker finds both kinds of those strategies. Therefore, the total data using this strategy are 7 data. There are 4 data that show the strategy of wishes or desires and 3 data that show the strategy of needs or demands. The description of each strategy of speaker-based conditions in request speech act can be shown in the following table. Table 4.1. The strategies of speaker-based conditions in request speech act

a. Wishes or Desires

In this kind of request, th e speaker’s statement of hisher intention maybe expressed politely as a wish. There are 8 data of request using wishes or desires in this research. The following is the description of each datum showing request by wishes or desires. 1 Datum number : 01 F SBC W N Duration : 00:08:39,886  00:08:45,252 Kinds of strategies Datum Number Number of Occurrences Wishes or desires 01 F SBC W N, 02 F SBC W N, 07 F SBC W N, 10 F SBC W N 4 Needs or demands 11FSBC D BR, 12 F SBC D BR, 17 FSBC D BR 3 Total 7 Context of situation : Elsa wants to invite Anna to play together by building a snowman with Anna’s magic. However, Anna does not want to do it because she is afraid that her magic can hurt Elsa. Elsa asks Anna by making a request from the outside of Anna’s room. Because Anna does not want to come out from her room, Elsa than becomes curious about what happens to her sister. She wishes her sister can tell her the reason. Elsa : I wish you would tell me why Anna : - not answering The datum above shows that Elsa, as the speaker, is in a position of control of Anna, as the hearer. Then it is marked by the use of subject “I” as the person who needs something from the hearer. In this context, Elsa wishes Anna to tell her about why Anna always locks herself in her room and does not want to play with her like before. Elsa makes a request by using the word “wish” to make it polite. Therefore, it can be said that Elsa makes a request to Anna by showing her wish. 2 Datum number : 02 F SBC W N Duration : 00:17:46,437  00:17:47,720 Context of situation : Anna is very happy after hearing that her sister, Elsa, will be crowned as the Queen of Arendelle tonight. She then walks around and also dances while singing outside the palace. When she walks near the sea, she accidentally steps on painting can. She almost falls down but a horse ridden by Hans, the Prince of Southern Island, helps her. Next, Hans gets off from the horse and helps her to stand up. But the horse bothers them by stamping on the boat, so that both of them fall down. Hans feels guilty toward Elsa and makes a request to forgive him and his horse. Hans : Id like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle. With my horse. Anna : No. No-no. Its fine. The datum above shows that Hans as the speaker places her interest above Anna as the hearer. Hans is in a position of control of Anna. I t is marked by the use of subject “I” as the person who needs something from the hearer. In this context, Hans makes request by showing his desire. Hans wants Anna to forgive him about the mistake caused by his horse. Hans makes a request by using the words “Would like to” to make it acceptable for hearer. From the datum above, it can be said that Hans makes a request to Anna by showing his desire. 3 Datum number : 07 F SBC W N Duration : 00:25:57,498  00:26:00,421 Context of situation : Because Anna has agreed Hans’ request to marry him, Anna and Hans go into the dance’s floor to meet Elsa. They ask Elsa for her blessing to their marriage. They ask for it by using request. Anna and Hans : We would like... your blessing of... our marriage Elsa : Marriage? Im sorry, Im confused. The datum above, the request of speaker-based condition is expressed by both Anna and Hans. Anna and Hans make a request to Elsa by showing their wish. It means that Anna and Hans as the speaker places their interest above Elsa as the hearer. Then it is marked by the use of subject “We” as the persons who need something from the hearer. In this context, Anna and Hans want to tell something to Elsa that is to get blessing for marrying Anna as her little sister. Anna and Hans make a request by using the words “We would like…” to make it polite and acceptable. It can be said that the speakers use the request rather indirectly by showing their desire. 4 Datum number :10 F SBC W N Duration : 00:27:04,101  00:27:08,024 Context of situation : Elsa does not agree with Anna and Hans marriage. Elsa then wants to leave the party because of Anna’s stubbornness. However, Anna still wants to get Elsa’s blessing for her marriage before Elsa leaves the party. Anna : Elsa, please. Please. I can’t live like this anymore. Elsa : Then leave. From the datum above, Anna as the speaker places her control of Elsa as the hearer. I t is marked by the use of subject “I” as PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the person who needs something from the hearer. The word “I” has in a position of control in this request. In this context, Anna wants to get Elsa’s blessing for her marriage. Anna makes a request by using the words “Please. Please. I…” to show her wish or desire. It can be said that Anna makes a request to Elsa rather indirectly by showing her wish.

b. Needs or Demands